


安科瑞多回路仪表在泰国数据中心的应用 摘要:数据中心供电电源质量的好坏直接影响到IT设备的运行,因此对数据中心列头柜电源进出线实行监测非常重要,另外,随着可用能源的减少以及能源成本的提高,如何更加经济的使用能源已成为相关企业责无旁贷的责任。

Abstract:The quality of power supply in data center directly affects the operation of IT equipment, so IT is very important to monitor the incoming and outgoing lines of power supply in data center header cabinet. In addition, with the reduction of available energy and the increase of energy cost, how to use energy more economically and effectively has become the responsibility of relevant enterprises.

1.项目概述 Project overview:


泰国某总包公司, 采购我司多台交流AMC16MA仪表,实现了数据中心交流多回路的检测要求。下面为大家详细介绍AMC16MA多回路仪表。

Data center power consumption multi-channel monitoring instrument, the series of monitoring instrument is mainly used in multiple distribution wire loop electric parameter monitoring, it will loop of busbar voltage, multiple matches out of the loop current, power, power and status of each circuit switching output concentration measurement, display, and communication, implementation of the monitoring requirements and simpler distribution wire loop measurement and monitoring.

A customer of general contractor in Thailand purchased several sets of AC AMC16MA meters from our company, matched with his own touch screen, to meet the testing requirements of multiple AC circuits in data centers.The following is a detailed introduction to the AMC16MA multi-loop meter

2.技术参数Technical Features

3.组网拓扑图 Network topology

4.现场图片Photo on-site

参考文献 Bibliography

1.Solutions For Enterprise Micro-grid System 2021.04


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