产品规格: | C4 130C | 产品数量: | 999999.00 个 |
包装说明: | 环保性安规认证齐全 | 价格说明: | 不限 |
查看人数: | 207 人 | 本页链接: | https://info.b2b168.com/s168-97716887.html |
供应130℃ 5A 圆形/电阻形/环保形温度保险丝、热熔断器、热熔断体、热保护器、合金型温度保险丝、*温保护 型号:C4 额定温度:130℃ 实际动作温度:126±2℃ 保持温度:103℃ 极限温度:200℃ 额定电流:5A 额定电压:250V 通过认证:TUV、PSE、CCC、KTL 符合ROHS、REACH环保要求 外观尺寸:11.5*35*3.3 应用领域:电机、电池、变压器、开关电源、灯具、家用电器 包装信息: 产品包装数量:30Kpcs/箱 外箱尺寸:44CM*30CM*26CM 产品简介: SET合金型温度保险丝是一次性不可复位的熔断装置,广泛应用于电器设备的过温保护。温度保险丝由具有低熔点的易熔合金 和助熔断剂构成,封装在塑料或陶瓷的外壳内。在正常工作情况下,易熔合金与两根引脚保持连接。当温度保险丝感受到异常发 热并达到预定的熔点温度时,易熔合金熔化,并在助熔断剂的作用力下快速彻底断开电路。有瓷管型和方壳型两种外形供选择, 额定电流1A~200A,动作温度76℃~221℃,安规认证包括UL,cUL,VDE,TUV,PSE,KTL,CCC和环保RoHS、REACH认 证。 术语解释: ● 热熔断体也称为热断路器或温度保险丝,在本文中这些不同名词都代表同样的产品,为一次性动作而不可复位的装置。 Thermal-link: also known as thermal cutoff or thermal fuse, all are the same in this context, function one only, non-resettable. ● 额定动作温度 Rated Function temperature (Tf ): 通10mA的负载电流时,加热使温度保险丝断开的温度。 The temperature of the Thermal-link which causes it to change its state of conductivity with a detection current up to 10mA as the only load. 允许偏差 Tolerance: +0℃, -10℃ UL,VDE,IEC标准 Standard 允许偏差 Tolerance: ±7℃ (**PSE标准)only PSE 实测熔断温度 Fuse temperature (Fuse-temp): 置于油池中,通10mA以下的负载电流,每分钟升温0.5℃~1℃,测断开温度。 The temperature is measured with silicone oil bath of which temperature is increased at the rate of 0.5℃~1℃/ min, with a detection current up to 10mA as the only load. ● 保持温度 Holding temperature (Th) : 持续通额定电流168小时不断开的较高温度。 The Max. temperature at which a TCO will not change its state of conductivity when conducting rated current for 168Hour. ● 极限温度 Max. temperature limit (Tm): 不破坏机械和电气特性所能承受的较高温度。 The Max. temperature at which the TCO can maintain its mechanical and electrical properties without being impaired for 10 mins. ● 额定电流 Rated current (Ir): 温度保险丝分类用,允许用于电路并安全断开的较大电流。 The current used to classify a Thermal-link, which is the Maximum current that thermal cutoffs allow to carry and are able to cutoff the circuit in safety. ● 额定电压 Rated voltage (Ur): 温度保险丝分类用,允许用于电路并安全断开的较高电压。 The voltage used to classify a Thermal-link, which is the Maximum voltage that is allowed to apply to the circuit in which the thermal cutoff is used. ● 瞬态过载电流Transient overload current (Ip): 温度保险丝在不破坏特性的情况下,所能承受的较大瞬态过载电流。 A direct current pulse train which the thermal-link is able to withstand without impairing its characteristics.