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包装说明: | 5438 | 价格说明: | 不限 |
查看人数: | 202 人 | 本页链接: | https://info.b2b168.com/s168-92314268.html |
一:保质期≠使用期 One: shelf life period 【护肤品开封后的保鲜期限】 [the time limit for preservation of skin care products after opening up] 【小贴士】 [tips] 护肤品开封后大多应该在1年内用完,但要注意如直接用手从瓶中取用,保鲜期更短哟,另外,**成分护肤品有些需要冷藏保鲜,启封后的“寿命”也缩短到3-6个月。 Most of the skin care products should be used in 1 years, but attention should be paid to the use of the hand from the bottle directly, and the fresh-keeping period is shorter. In addition, some natural ingredients need cold storage, and the "life" after the seal is shortened to 3-6 months. 【彩妆品开封后的保鲜期限】 [the fresh-keeping period of the make-up after the opening of the make-up] 【小贴士】 [tips] 出现下列情况请慎用这些产品~ Please use these products carefully for the following cases. 1、指甲油、粉底液、磨砂膏、乳霜或防晒霜上有浮油。这类漂浮油层是氧化的表现,较好丢弃,因为它们会引起过敏。 1, nail polish, foundation fluid, scrub, cream or sunscreen have oil slick. This kind of floating oil layer is a manifestation of oxidation, and it is best to discard because they cause allergies. 2、液体美容品、香水、乳霜、啫喱等蒙上了一层颜色。这也是受氧化的关系,不建议继续使用,特别是含有活性成分的产品(如抗老或**粉刺产品),褪色表示那些成分失去了作用。 2, liquid beauty products, perfume, cream, gel and so on are covered with a layer of color. This is also a relationship of oxidation and is not recommended for continued use, especially in products containing active ingredients (such as antiaging or treatment for acne products), and discoloration indicates that those components have lost their effect. 3、香水、啫喱、晚霜或防晒霜散发奇怪味道。一旦它们变味,就是不可逆的变化,这或许是防腐剂失效,细菌会滋生,甚至会导致发酵致敏。 3, perfume, gel, night cream or sunscreen smell strange smell. Once they taste bad, they are irreversible. This may be the failure of preservatives, the growth of bacteria, and even the sensitization of fermentation. 1 One 忌用手指直接挑用化妆品 Avoid direct use of cosmetics with your fingers 化妆品是非常精细的东西,如果不注意卫生,就会引起化学反应而导致化妆品变质,人的脸和手,即使用肥皂洗多次,也难以灭绝细菌,用手指直接勾取化妆品,不管是乳液,还是面脂,都会把细菌带入化妆品中。因此,使用时宜用竹签挑出来,化妆品一旦沾手,**不要再送回瓶内,尤其是液态化妆品,其瓶口切忌与不洁物碰触,使用后要把容器口擦拭干净。 Cosmetic is a very fine thing, if you do not pay attention to health, it will cause chemical reaction and lead to cosmetic deterioration, people's face and hand, that is, soap washing many times, also difficult to exterminate bacteria, using finger directly to pick up cosmetics, whether emulsion, or face fat, will bring bacteria into the cosmetics. Therefore, use the time to use the bamboo stick to pick out, once the cosmetics touch the hand, never return to the bottle, especially liquid cosmetics, the bottle mouth must not touch with the unclean, after use, the container mouth clean clean.