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Causes and treatment of summer high temperature of rotary drilling rig


Small rotary drilling rig is an important machine for foundation construction. It plays an indispensable role in housing construction, bridges, tunnels, slope protection and other projects. In the course of using the rotary drilling rig, with the passing of time, various problems will appear. The problem of high temperature is the common problem we often encounter in the repair. Because of its great influence on the machine performance and the number of life, it is often difficult to remove it. The summer heat problem has brought great trouble and confusion to the users of the rotary drilling rig.


The cause of high temperature


The high temperature of rotary excavator is generally divided into gearbox (transfer box) temperature too high, hydraulic oil temperature too high, engine engine coolant temperature too high (commonly known as high water temperature). The reasons for the high temperature of the gearbox are relatively simple. The main reasons are that the size of the bearing or the gear and the shell is not standard, the smooth oil is not qualified or the oil level is not suitable.


The engine's water temperature is too high: the incineration timing is prohibited, the engine power is deficient, and the cooling system defects will cause the engine water temperature to be too high. When the hydraulic oil radiator is installed in the upstream of the cooling wind of the water tank, the hydraulic oil overheating will also cause high water temperature in the former excavator of the common rail electric injection diesel engine.

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