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、旋挖钻机桅杆油缸漏油,立桅不笔直 The oil in the mast cylinder of the rotary drilling rig leaks oil, and the upright mast is not straight. 毛病现象:小型旋挖钻机桅杆油缸漏油,立桅不笔直。 Fault: small rotary drilling rig mast cylinder oil leakage, vertical mast is not straight. 毛病剖析:桅杆油缸活塞杆头开裂或桅杆油缸油封损坏导致桅杆油缸漏油;立桅不笔直,能够从油缸和桅杆油缸平衡阀着手,油缸内泄或平衡阀内泄也可导致桅杆立桅不笔直。 Analysis of the problems: the dehiscence of the piston rod head of the mast oil cylinder or the damage of the mast oil cylinder leads to the leakage of the mast oil cylinder; the erect mast is not straight, and it can start from the oil cylinder and the mast oil cylinder balance valve, and the leakage of the cylinder or the balance valve can also cause the mast to be not straight. 毛病原因: Cause of the disease: 1.桅杆活塞关节头开裂;2.桅杆液压油缸油封损坏;3.平衡阀内泄。 1. mast piston joint cracking; 2. mast hydraulic cylinder oil seal damage; 3. balance valve leakage. 排故办法: Methods of reason: 1.、查看发现油缸活塞关节头有裂缝,进一步排查:把桅杆油缸拆卸查看,发现油缸外表有一些显着的斑驳和浅凹槽; 1., check the oil cylinder piston joint head cracks, further investigation: remove the mast oil cylinder to view, found that the cylinder appearance has some obvious mottled and shallow grooves; 2.翻开整个油缸和油封发现油缸油封损坏和o型圈损坏,垫圈有开裂的现象导致油缸漏油; 2. open the whole cylinder and oil seal, and find that the oil seal of the cylinder is damaged and the O-ring is damaged. 3.替换油封、密封圈和垫圈,把油缸从头装好。测验无泄漏现象,钻机康复正常。 3. replace the oil seals, seals and washers, and install the cylinders from the beginning. There is no leakage in the test, and the rig is well recovered.