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毛病原因: Cause of the disease: 1.先导压力缺乏或者溢流阀调定压力过低; 1. pilot pressure is lacking or relief valve setting pressure is too low. 2.动力头马达损坏或者液压油走漏量大; 2. damage of power head motor or large leakage of hydraulic oil. 3.动力头减速机零部件受损; 3. the parts of the power head reducer are damaged. 4.动力头齿轮箱机械设备损坏。 4. the mechanical equipment of the power head gear box is damaged. 排故方法: Troubleshooting methods: 1.检测液压体系主体系压力正常,阐明液压体系没有问题,考虑机械损坏; 1. check the main system pressure of the hydraulic system is normal, clarify the hydraulic system is no problem, consider the mechanical damage; 2.在查看液压体系的过程中,发现动力头作业时减速机和马达存在小规模的周期性异响。拆开动力头马达,查看马达及输出轴,正常; 2. during the process of checking the hydraulic system, it was found that there was a small periodic abnormal sound on the reducer and motor during the operation of the power head. Disconnect the power head motor and check the motor and output shaft. 3.拆下减速机,拆开减速机。留意:拆开时,应当坚持拆开环境的清洁,留意拆开次序,以便装置。仔细查看减速机内部,成果发现齿轮损害。拆开减速机时应留意零部件摆放次序,一切螺栓垫片和零部件都要清洗一遍,一起在装置时要坚持减速机内部清洁; 3. remove the reducer and disassemble the reducer. Note: when you open it, you should keep the environment clean and pay attention to the order of disassembly so that it can be installed. Look inside the reducer carefully and find the gear damage. When the reducer is dismantled, we should pay attention to the order of spare parts. All the bolts and spare parts should be cleaned again. In the device, we should adhere to the internal cleaning of the reducer. 4.替换损坏的齿轮,重新装置减速机和马达,康复钻机动力头,钻机康复正常作业。 4. replace damaged gear, reinstall reducer and motor, resume drilling power head and drill machine to resume normal operation. 排故领会:动力头减速机机械损坏会引起动力头输出扭矩缺乏,并且能听见异响,必定要留意及时发现问题,防止损坏规模扩大。 Understanding: the mechanical damage of the power head reducer will cause the lack of power head output torque, and can hear the abnormal sound, must pay attention to the timely discovery of the problem, prevent the scale of damage expansion. 二、旋挖钻机桅杆油缸漏油,立桅不笔直 Two. The oil leakage of the mast cylinder of rotary drilling rig is not straight. 毛病现象:小型旋挖钻机桅杆油缸漏油,立桅不笔直。 Fault: small rotary drilling rig mast cylinder oil leakage, vertical mast is not straight. 毛病剖析:桅杆油缸活塞杆头开裂或桅杆油缸油封损坏导致桅杆油缸漏油;立桅不笔直,能够从油缸和桅杆油缸平衡阀着手,油缸内泄或平衡阀内泄也可导致桅杆立桅不笔直。 Analysis of the problems: the dehiscence of the piston rod head of the mast oil cylinder or the damage of the mast oil cylinder leads to the leakage of the mast oil cylinder; the erect mast is not straight, and it can start from the oil cylinder and the mast oil cylinder balance valve, and the leakage of the cylinder or the balance valve can also cause the mast to be not straight.