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  • 所在区域:山东济宁任城区
  • 经营性质:私有企业
  • 企业类型:经销批发
  • 注册地:山东省济宁市任城区
  • 主营产品:公路打桩机,拖拉机改装打桩机,光伏打桩机,电线杆打桩机,公路护栏打桩机
  • 注册资金:人民币 250 - 500 万元
  • 企业已认证
  • 个人实名未认证
产品规格: 不限 产品数量: 100.00 10000
包装说明: 不限 价格说明: 不限
查看人数: 361 人 本页链接: https://info.b2b168.com/s168-90614459.html



Machine introduction:


The tractor digging machine is reasonable in design, compact in structure, sensitive in operation and convenient in operation. With different types of tractors, planting trees and planting trees, planting bananas, citrus, litchi, flowers and other crops, digging pit, saving a lot of manpower and time by using the machine, and increasing social and economic benefits together. The tractor belt planting function lets people emancipate from heavy manual labor, widely used in planting trees, planting trees, fences, and Fertilizer on fruit trees in the autumn. Powerful power, beautiful appearance, comfortable operation, low labor intensity, suitable for various terrain, high efficiency, easy to carry and field operations. The company is looking for agents, special dealers, test dealers and tractor diggers for domestic and international markets.

打桩机 打桩机价格 电线杆打桩机 旋挖钻机

Piling machine, pile driver, price pole, pile driver, rotary drilling rig.


The foundation pile driver made by our company can not only be used for building foundation piling, but also for bridge piling and paving. The piling machine deals with the problems of large size, bulky and small area of the pile driving machine in the existing technology. The other piling machine also has the advantages of small investment, large return, high efficiency, small volume, light weight, simple operation, convenient construction and good quality of pile holes.


The structure of the machine is scientific and reasonable, and the operation is simple. The price is 1/10 of the large hydraulic pile driver, and it is the first opportunity for the urban and rural engineering construction team. This machine can be excavated with a diameter of 30 cm, 40 cm, 60 cm, 80 cm, and a depth of 1 m --15 m. After placing the pile in the triad to consolidate the foundation, the new gang foundation piling machine and the rammer are made up of a hoist, motor, base, tripod, rammer, rammer, wire rope and many other components. This product can be dug 50--80 holes for 8 hours. The work efficiency has been greatly improved.

欢迎来到山东来远机械有限公司网站,我公司位于孔孟文化、运河文化、水浒文化的发源地—济宁市。 具体地址是山东济宁任城区明珠小区营业房主干道东从北向南*18间,联系人是吴磊。
单位注册资金单位注册资金人民币 250 - 500 万元。



  • 吴磊()





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相关地区: 济宁任城区 济宁兖州区 济宁微山县 济宁鱼台县 济宁金乡县 济宁嘉祥县 济宁汶上县 济宁泗水县 济宁梁山县 济宁曲阜市 济宁邹城市

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