产品规格: | 不限 | 产品数量: | 10000.00 箱 |
包装说明: | 不限 | 价格说明: | 不限 |
查看人数: | 185 人 | 本页链接: | https://info.b2b168.com/s168-89084863.html |
卫生巾是成年女士日常都要运用的私密品。可能很多人都会天经地义地以为卫生巾是卫生的,健康的。事实上,某些卫生巾不只不卫生,还有毒。咱们假如想要真实的健康,就要自己去了解日常生活用品的各种本相,选用真实健康的东西。我国现在尚无卫生标准,市场上的卫生纸大都是再生纸做的,就是从废物分拣出来的纸再次加工制成。因而,简直一切的再生纸细菌含量**标,带有很多的大肠杆菌,幽门罗杆菌,痢疾杆菌等。 Sanitary napkins are private products for adult ladies. Maybe many people will think that sanitary napkins are healthy and healthy. In fact, some sanitary napkins are not only sanitary, but also toxic. If we want to be healthy, we need to know all kinds of objects of everyday life and choose real and healthy things. There is no hygienic standard in China now. Most of the toilet paper on the market is made from recycled paper, which is processed again from the waste sorting paper. Therefore, almost all the recycled paper has over standard bacterial content, with many Escherichia coli, Helicobacter pylori, dysentery bacilli, etc. 卫生巾运用3个误区要防止 Sanitary napkins use 3 misunderstandings to prevent 1、运用卫生巾前不洗手 1. Do not wash hands before using sanitary napkins 由于用手将卫生巾拆封、翻开、抚平、张贴的进程,会将许多病菌带到卫生巾上。卫生巾直接接触女人外阴皮肤,而经期又是女人抵抗力较低的时期,稍不留意,较易发生感染或导致妇科疾病。 Because the hand will be opened, open and smooth sanitary napkins, post process, will be a lot of bacteria to the sanitary napkin. Sanitary napkin is directly exposed to the skin of women's vulva, while menstrual period is a low period of women's resistance. 2、一味寻求大吸收量卫生巾 2, looking for large absorption sanitary napkins 少女人在购买时也会选择吸收力强、维护功用好的卫生巾,以为能够长时间运用同一片卫生巾,省了不少费事。其实这种主意是过错的,由于经血中有丰富的营养物质,易成为细菌大肆繁殖的“培育基地”。所以,卫生巾一定要勤快地替换。 When buying, they will also choose sanitary napkins with strong absorbability and good maintenance function. They think that they can save a lot of trouble by using the same napkin for a long time. In fact, such an idea is wrong. Because there are abundant nutrients in blood, it is easy to become a breeding base for bacteria to propagate. So, the sanitary napkin must be replaced diligently. 3、长时间放在卫生间 3. Stay in the bathroom for a long time 一般卫生巾为非织造布制造,为纤维资料,受潮后资料蜕变,细菌易侵入繁殖,而大都卫生间整天不见阳光,又多湿润,很简单繁殖霉菌,污染卫生巾。拆包后的卫生巾应放在枯燥、洁净的环境里,受潮后不应再运用。 The general sanitary napkin is made for nonwoven fabric. It is the fiber material, the data changes after the tide is dampened, the bacteria are easy to invade and propagate, but most toilets do not see the sun all day, and they are wet. It is very simple to reproduce mould and pollute sanitary napkins. The sanitary napkins should be placed in a dry and clean environment, and should not be used after damp. 山东菲展国际贸易有限公司以下简称“公司”成立于2008年,是一个以市场经营、产品销售、技术服务、直营及*为一体的专业技术型化妆品企业。致力于发展化妆品事业,提供疑难技术解答、产品培训和美容服务,力争将美丽传播到每一位爱美女士身上。 公司主要经营品牌:“菲展”,其名称的含义取自《广雅》--“菲菲,香也”意思是花草植物的香气,无限的扩展和延伸。品牌理念:用料*、**、无添加,低碳,以**植物草本的精华,融合现代科技的智慧,为千千万万的女性塑造出自信而*具魅力的美丽人生。 公司一直强调“创新科技、以人为本”的理念,重视员工的成长与自我价值的实现,每月员工都要进行内训,每季度都会邀请国内、外业内*对全员进行专业技术交流与学习,从而使员工得到充分的成长。在管理工作岗位上轮流制度,充分为员工自我价值实现提供了空间。除此之外,我们还邀请我们的*合作伙伴,一同交流学习,实现共同成长。我们的口号是“医学品质高科技萃取**植物精华,360°实现**女人”。 尤其在确保*销售物资供应的基础上,努力拓展市场,拓宽经营领域,多元化经营,*发展。在技术服务、产品销售和*优化等方面取得良好业绩。 公司以弘扬医学美容文化和养生文化为己任,以**护肤品保养品开发为主,运用现代医学知识与销售传播手段,积极倡导**植物研究、生产和使用新理念,积极完善售后服务体质加强售后管理,力争在不久的将来成为具有市场竞争力的,以“全命以赴追求卓越,为客户创造价值”,的文化特色的专业技术化妆品企业。 山东菲展国际贸易有限公司 联系人: 李杰 手机: 电话:4006179117 邮箱:feizhan@ 地址:山东省济南市天桥区水屯路46号山东北园装饰材料批发市场9区21号 网站/ 鲁商云 诺商商道系统,-专业互联网应用服务提供商: 诺商商道系统,-专业互联网应用服务提供商: 诺商基于多年的优化经验和品牌基础推出的诺商商道系统,诺商信息您身边的互联网*