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皮肤*作业是一年四季护肤的重点,白皙的皮肤是一种自豪,特别是在亚洲这个以白为美的地域,可是市场上的*产品琳琅满目,究竟哪款单品才能真实称得上“绝好”呢? Skin whitening is the focus of the year's skin care. White skin is a pride, especially in Asia, a region with white beauty, but the whitening products on the market are beautiful, which one can be truly "good"? 太多人具有**肌肤的愿望,*是点评皮肤好不好较重要的一项,吃什么可以*,*面膜排行榜,我想这都是爱美女人经常重视的。现在的产品许多,但真实挑选一款自己“能用”的*产品却很难,这是由于现在的信息太多太杂,让人目不暇接容易迷失。 Too many people have the desire to perfect the skin, whitening is the most important one to review the good skin, what can be whitening, whitening mask list, I think this is the beauty women often pay attention to. Nowadays, there are many products, but it is difficult to choose a "can use" whitening product, which is because the information is too much too mixed and easy to get lost. 运用*产品的一些误区 Some misunderstandings in the use of whitening products 误区:使尽全力阻挠肌肤底层黑色素生成 Misunderstanding: make every effort to prevent melanin generation at the bottom of the skin. 确诊:角质层囤积的黑势力,会影响*成效 Diagnosis: the black power of the stratum corneum hoarding will affect the whitening effect. 纠正:想要“净亮、透白”,仅仅一味地按捺黑色素母细胞生产力是不行的!由于部分在很多紫外线刺激下急速生成的黑色素,要是无法顺畅被肌肤代谢排出,会在表皮角质层构成一股“黑势力”。较新研讨发现,应该调配以去角质或含酸类复合物的焕肤组合来*老废表皮物质,而选用*系列卸装、洁颜产品,也有每日替肌肤温文“扫黑”的一步。 Correct: want to "clean, transparent", only to suppress the melanin mother cell productivity is not good! Because part of a lot of ultraviolet light stimulated by the rapid formation of melanin, if it can not smooth skin metabolism, will form a "black force" in the cuticle. The latest research has found that the skin combination of exfoliation or acid complex should be allocated to remove the old cuticle material, and the use of whitening series unload, cleaning products, and a daily "black" step for the warm skin of the skin. 误区:面膜天天敷到一滴不剩 Misunderstandings: mask is applied every day to a drop 确诊:每周2次,每次10分钟就够了 Diagnosis: 2 times a week, 10 minutes each time is enough 纠正:如泡面般简单便利的面膜,能供给时间短的速效*。虽像鸡汤般浓缩了保养精华,但因肌肤食量有限,每周两次用来做沙龙级加分护肤已满足,时间以10~15分钟为限,敷太久会令肌肤水分蒸发,反而让肌肤变干。 Correction: as a simple and convenient mask, instant noodles can provide short time and quick whitening. Although it is like chicken soup to maintain the essence, but because of limited skin appetite, two times a week to do salon grade added skin care has been satisfied, time is limited to 10~15 minutes, apply too long to make skin moisture evaporation, instead of making skin dry. 误区:成堆*品,却没有瓶防晒品 Misunderstandings: a pile of whitening products, but no bottle of sunscreen 确诊:日晒是形成你*无效的元凶,抗氧化、防晒得要并进 Diagnosis: sunlight is the main cause of your whitening. 纠正:买来的*保养品刚运用前期看来颇有效,但是后续似乎又黑回来些,皮肤科医师剖析,较大可能出在只尽力*,防晒却很随意,肌肤继续遭到阳光紫外线刺激,当然前功尽弃。 Correction: the purchase of whitening maintenance products just appeared to be quite effective, but the follow-up seems to be a little bit black, dermatologist analysis, most likely in only the best whitening, sunscreen is very casual, the skin continues to be stimulated by the sun ultraviolet rays, of course, the effort abandoned. 误区:坚信浓度越高,*作用越好 Misunderstandings: the higher the concentration, the better the whitening 确诊:传输体系更影响了配方能否深层作用,发挥作用 Diagnosis: the transmission system has more influence on the deep function of formula. 纠正:一味地追求高浓度,若无法被肌肤吸收深层作用,作用相同打折扣,还得面对可能的刺激损伤。用了*保养品却作用不好。新趋势是用与细胞构造相近的载体包裹配方,适量浓度就能被肌肤容易接受,深层发挥作用。 Correction: blindly pursue high concentration, if it can not be absorbed by the skin, the same effect will be discounted, so we have to face the potential irritation injury. The use of whitening maintenance is not good. The new trend is to use the carrier similar to the cell structure to wrap the formula, and the appropriate concentration can be easily accepted by the skin and play a deep role. 山东菲展国际贸易有限公司以下简称“公司”成立于2008年,是一个以市场经营、产品销售、技术服务、直营及*为一体的专业技术型化妆品企业。致力于发展化妆品事业,提供疑难技术解答、产品培训和美容服务,力争将美丽传播到每一位爱美女士身上。 公司主要经营品牌:“菲展”,其名称的含义取自《广雅》--“菲菲,香也”意思是花草植物的香气,无限的扩展和延伸。品牌理念:用料*、**、无添加,低碳,以**植物草本的精华,融合现代科技的智慧,为千千万万的女性塑造出自信而*具魅力的美丽人生。 公司一直强调“创新科技、以人为本”的理念,重视员工的成长与自我价值的实现,每月员工都要进行内训,每季度都会邀请国内、外业内*对全员进行专业技术交流与学习,从而使员工得到充分的成长。在管理工作岗位上轮流制度,充分为员工自我价值实现提供了空间。除此之外,我们还邀请我们的*合作伙伴,一同交流学习,实现共同成长。我们的口号是“医学品质高科技萃取**植物精华,360°实现**女人”。 尤其在确保*销售物资供应的基础上,努力拓展市场,拓宽经营领域,多元化经营,*发展。在技术服务、产品销售和*优化等方面取得良好业绩。 公司以弘扬医学美容文化和养生文化为己任,以**护肤品保养品开发为主,运用现代医学知识与销售传播手段,积极倡导**植物研究、生产和使用新理念,积极完善售后服务体质加强售后管理,力争在不久的将来成为具有市场竞争力的,以“全命以赴追求卓越,为客户创造价值”,的文化特色的专业技术化妆品企业。 山东菲展国际贸易有限公司 联系人: 李杰 手机: 电话:4006179117 邮箱:feizhan@ 地址:山东省济南市天桥区水屯路46号山东北园装饰材料批发市场9区21号 网站/ 鲁商云 诺商商道系统,-专业互联网应用服务提供商: 诺商商道系统,-专业互联网应用服务提供商: 诺商基于多年的优化经验和品牌基础推出的诺商商道系统,诺商信息您身边的互联网*