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一张润滑无瑕的脸蛋是每个女性的寻求,但是再美观的概括也遮挡不住皱纹的摧残。当你正享受人生较美好的韶光阶段,它却能将**变成一种惋惜,让你承受耻辱。 A perfect face is the pursuit of every woman, but the outline of beauty can not hide the destruction of wrinkles. When you are enjoying the best time of life stage, it will become a perfect regret, let you bear the shame. 为什么一定要注重皱纹问题?由于皱纹是女性的头号大敌,影响了女性的美丽。一旦开端长纹一定要注重起来。女性的皱纹,21至25岁呈现在眼周,26至30岁在双眉间,5年后在嘴的四周。避免皱纹从来没有太早,要知道发生皱纹的要素一向埋伏在你的四周,有必要时刻做好抗皱准备——女性25岁就要开端抗击皱纹! Why should we pay attention to the problem of wrinkles? Because wrinkles are the number one enemy of women, it affects the beauty of women. Once the beginning of the long lines must be paid attention to. Women 21 to 25 years old wrinkles in the eye, 26 to 30 years old in the double brow, after 5 years in the mouth around. It is never too early to avoid wrinkles. It is necessary to know that the elements of the wrinkles have always been ambushed around you. It is necessary to be ready to resist wrinkles at all times - women should begin to fight the wrinkles at the age of 25. 相信你也有过这样的阅历,用了许多祛皱产品,却没有一点效果。去美容店护理,却越弄皮肤越松弛。 I believe you also have such kind of experience, with many anti wrinkle product has no effect. To go to a beauty shop, the more relaxed the skin is. 表情和重力是皱纹罪魁祸首,一般较简单发生的是眼纹和法则纹,由于眼部和唇周是我们日常肌肉运动比较频频的部位,所以大部分人会首先呈现这两个部位的皱纹。 Expression and gravity are the culprit of wrinkles. Generally, eye and rule lines are the simplest. Because the eyes and lips are the most frequent parts of our daily muscles, most people first present the wrinkles in these two parts. 雾霾、重污染、阳光、辐射都会导致皮肤软弱失掉保护屏障,加剧皱纹。过错的护肤习气也会添加肌肤的担负,过度的揉搓和不适当的按摩方法比面部表情丰富更简单发生皱纹。 Haze, heavy pollution, sunlight and radiation will lead to skin weakness, loss of protective barrier and crease. Fault skin care habits will also add to the skin's burden. Excessive rubbing and inappropriate massage are more abundant than facial expressions. 给肌肤供给充沛的养分和水分,促进皮下胶原蛋白再生,使肌肤坚持润泽润滑,重拾肌肤健康生机。 It can provide plenty of nutrients and moisture to the skin, and promote the regeneration of subcutaneous collagen, so as to keep the skin moist and lubricate and regain the health and vitality of the skin. 从本源上添加肌肤细胞生机,避免细胞凋亡,长期使用更能发生冻龄效果,较大程度减缓皮肤衰老速度。 From the source, we can add skin cell vitality and avoid cell apoptosis. The long-term use can produce the effect of frozen age, and it can slow down the skin aging to the greatest extent. 祛皱究竟要不要及时?我的主张是一定要及时,只要及时才干保住肌肤的**,由于皱纹对肌肤层的损害较大。刚开端长皱纹时,肌肤的里层其实现已开裂、陷落、失掉弹性,然后逐步增多。所以要害的一步就是在刚长皱纹的时刻内承受祛皱,皱纹时刻越长,祛*的难度就越大! What would you like to wrinkle? My view is that we must be timely, as long as we can keep the skin's perfection in time, because wrinkles damage the skin. At the beginning of long wrinkles, the inner layer of the skin has cracked, fallen and lost its elasticity and gradually increased. So the key step is to endure wrinkles at the moment of long wrinkles. The longer the wrinkles, the harder it is to remove wrinkles. 山东菲展国际贸易有限公司以下简称“公司”成立于2008年,是一个以市场经营、产品销售、技术服务、直营及*为一体的专业技术型化妆品企业。致力于发展化妆品事业,提供疑难技术解答、产品培训和美容服务,力争将美丽传播到每一位爱美女士身上。 公司主要经营品牌:“菲展”,其名称的含义取自《广雅》--“菲菲,香也”意思是花草植物的香气,无限的扩展和延伸。品牌理念:用料*、**、无添加,低碳,以**植物草本的精华,融合现代科技的智慧,为千千万万的女性塑造出自信而*具魅力的美丽人生。 公司一直强调“创新科技、以人为本”的理念,重视员工的成长与自我价值的实现,每月员工都要进行内训,每季度都会邀请国内、外业内*对全员进行专业技术交流与学习,从而使员工得到充分的成长。在管理工作岗位上轮流制度,充分为员工自我价值实现提供了空间。除此之外,我们还邀请我们的*合作伙伴,一同交流学习,实现共同成长。我们的口号是“医学品质高科技萃取**植物精华,360°实现**女人”。 尤其在确保*销售物资供应的基础上,努力拓展市场,拓宽经营领域,多元化经营,*发展。在技术服务、产品销售和*优化等方面取得良好业绩。 公司以弘扬医学美容文化和养生文化为己任,以**护肤品保养品开发为主,运用现代医学知识与销售传播手段,积极倡导**植物研究、生产和使用新理念,积极完善售后服务体质加强售后管理,力争在不久的将来成为具有市场竞争力的,以“全命以赴追求卓越,为客户创造价值”,的文化特色的专业技术化妆品企业。 山东菲展国际贸易有限公司 联系人: 李杰 手机: 电话:4006179117 邮箱:feizhan@ 地址:山东省济南市天桥区水屯路46号山东北园装饰材料批发市场9区21号 网站/ 鲁商云 诺商商道系统,-专业互联网应用服务提供商: 诺商商道系统,-专业互联网应用服务提供商: 诺商基于多年的优化经验和品牌基础推出的诺商商道系统,诺商信息您身边的互联网*