  • 所在区域:山东济南天桥区
  • 经营性质:私有企业
  • 企业类型:其他
  • 注册地:济南
  • 主营产品:济南到阳泉专线,济南到阳泉物流专线,济南到阳泉专线物流,济南到阳泉专线公司,济南到太原专线物流
  • 注册资金:人民币 500 - 1000 万元
  • 企业已认证
  • 个人实名未认证
产品规格: 不限 产品数量: 3153.00 车
包装说明: 不限 价格说明: 不限
查看人数: 145 人 本页链接: https://info.b2b168.com/s168-88997914.html


(1) flexible and flexible transportation. The density of the highway network in China is large and the distribution surface is wide. All the county towns and more than 90% areas, townships and villages have built highways. The urban road network is denser, so the highway transportation is the most accessible. Highway logistics transportation has strong mobility, vehicle can be scheduled, installed and unloaded and shipped at any time, and the connection time between all transportation links is relatively short. In addition, transporting small and small quantities of goods or urgent materials on roads is very important for disaster relief and military transportation.
(2) the direct delivery of "door to door" can be completed. The small size of the car can be deepened to the entrance of the factory area, the countryside field, the city street, the office unit and the residence of the residents, so that the goods can be transported directly to the doorway of the consignee from the doorway of the consignor. It's impossible for other transport tools such as trains, ships and airplanes.
(3) short haul speed and low cost. Because the road logistics transportation can complete the direct delivery of "door to door", it does not have to be reversed in half way, and the goods are short in the way, so the speed of transportation in the short haul transportation is faster. Fast shipping speed not only accelerates capital turnover and improves the value of money and silver, but also helps to ensure the quality of goods and the time value of progressive products. This is especially important for high-grade goods, valuables, fresh products and goods that are urgently needed.
(4) the original capital contribution is few, and the capital turnover is fast. Road logistics transportation is not like railway logistics transportation, so we need to lay tracks, set up ** devices and buy other expensive equipment. The cost of road laying is low, and the cost of vehicle placement is also low, so the original capital contribution recovery period is short, and it is simpler to expand production in the short term and meet the demand of production days.
(5) strong adaptability and convenient connection with other logistics delivery methods. Because the highway logistics is flexible, it can adapt to various conditions of transportation, and the connection with railway transport, waterway transport and air transport. This makes highway logistics transportation an important part of the inductive transportation system and a useful tool for distributing goods.
Although there are many advantages of highway logistics transportation, compared with other transportation methods, there are some shortcomings in the transportation of highway logistics, which is mainly shown in the following aspects:
(1) it is not suitable for large and long distance transportation. Highway logistics transportation is usually only suitable for short distance transportation, and long distance transportation is relatively expensive. The economic radius of highway transportation is generally less than 200 kilometers.
(2) the rate of incident is high. According to the statistics, the accident rate of highway transportation is about 15 times that of railway transportation and 178 times of that of waterway transportation.
(3) small volume, much cost and high cost. The weight of the car is small, and the transportation volume of the highway logistics is small; the vibration of the vehicle is larger and the damage is easy to form. The car takes more energy and the transportation cost is higher than that of the waterway and railway.
(4) it is easy to pollute the environment. The environmental pollution of cars during operation mainly refers to exhaust gas pollution and noise pollution. The harmful components from exhaust gas of car engine can be discharged into the air to achieve a certain concentration, which will pollute the atmosphere and damage human beings and organisms. Noise pollution mainly refers to engine noise, horn noise, tire noise and so on. In addition, the radio waves announced in the operation of car electrical equipment also disturb the normal operation of radio, television and wireless communication equipment in adjacent buildings.

欢迎来到济南焱安物流有限公司网站,我公司位于泉水众多,素有“四面荷花三面柳,一城山色半城湖”美誉的济南市。 具体地址是山东济南天桥区济南市天桥区泉胜物流C区33-35号,联系人是魏衍安。
单位注册资金单位注册资金人民币 500 - 1000 万元。



  • 魏衍安()






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