• 本站微信:bfzyw168 点击关注
  • 所在区域:上海浦东曹路
  • 经营性质:外商独资企业
  • 企业类型:招商代理
  • 注册地:上海市金山区金山卫镇秋实路688号1号楼5单元304室A座
  • 主营产品:科思创原拜耳代理商源禾缘禾化工,科思创水性固化剂,科思创水性聚氨酯
  • 注册资金:人民币 250 - 500 万元
  • 企业已认证
  • 个人实名未认证
产品规格: 195 产品数量: 1000000000.00 KG
包装说明: 桶装 价格说明: 不限
查看人数: 335 人 本页链接: https://info.b2b168.com/s168-87260937.html
产品名称: 2646 品牌: 科思创


Bayhydrol? A 2646
Solubility / thinnability    The product is soluble in water.
Properties / Applications    On account of its outstanding mechanical and 
                             chemical resistance, the product is particularly 
                             suitable for the formulation of hard, high-gloss 
                             sealers for mineral substrates and reactive resins 
                             (EP, PUR). Furthermore, excellent accentuation of 
                             the grain of the substrate (e.g. colored coatings) 
                             is achieved.
                             The binder can also be used for the formulation of 
                             high-grade low VOC coatings for use on substrates 
                             such as wood, metal, plastic, etc.
                             The product can also be combined with other water-
                             reducible binders. On account of the many potential
                             co-reactants, compatibility testing should always 
                             be carried out.
                             The high reactivity enables short drying times, 
                             which contribute to enhanced productivity.
                             The viscosity of the product is largely governed by
                             the pH. As the pH may decrease during storage, a 
                             decrease in viscosity is also to be expected. The
                             viscosity can be restored to its original value by
                             the addition of small amounts of triethanol amine.
                             Dowanol? PnB and triethanolamine are OH-functional
                             cosolvents/amines that react with isocyanates. They
                             are therefore reactive thinners and not 
                             VOC-relevant pursuant to the Decopaint Directive 

Storage                      - Storage in original sealed Bayer MaterialScience 
                             - Recommended storage temperature: > 0 - 30 °C.
                             - Protect from frost, heat and foreign material.
                               General information: The product is sensitive to
                               frost. Prolonged freezing can damage the product
                           irreversibly. Prolonged storage at higher temperatures
                           may result in a decrease of viscosity and/or an 
                           increase of average particle size, possibly resulting 
                           in sedimentation or coagulation.
                           The viscosity of the product is largely governed by 
                           the pH. As the pH may decrease during storage, a 
                           decrease in viscosity is also to be expected. The
                           viscosity can be adjusted to its original value by 
                           the addition of small amounts of an aqueous 10 % 
                           solution of Triethanolamine.
                           Contamination with certain bacteria, fungi or algae 
                           may render the product unusable.
缘禾(原源禾)化工是德国科思创公司Covestro(原拜耳材料科技),湛新纽佩斯公司,Supercolori 等公司的一级代理商。主要经营的产品:科思创拜耳水性聚氨酯、科思创拜耳水性固化剂,科思创拜耳溶剂型树脂、科思创拜耳溶剂型固化剂,湛新纽佩斯树脂,水性哑光树脂,手感助剂,绒毛粉,增稠剂,润湿剂等环保型原材料应用领域:水性工业涂料、水性地坪及墙面涂料、水性木器涂料、水性塑料涂料、,水性柔感涂料,水性轨道交通涂料,水性可剥离涂料、水性哑光光油、水性纺织浆料、水性纺织涂布,水性皮革涂饰,水性油墨,纸张印刷,导电涂料及其他特种涂料等。

欢迎来到上海缘禾化工有限公司网站,我公司位于历史文化悠久,近代城市文化底蕴深厚,历史古迹众多,有“东方巴黎”美称的上海市。 具体地址是上海浦东曹路浦东,负责人是李姝丽。
单位注册资金单位注册资金人民币 250 - 500 万元。



  • 李小姐(经理)






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