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经期女性较怕的就是着凉,经期着凉容易导致气血不足。那么女性朋友们在冬天俩大姨妈了,如何护理比较好呢? Menstrual women are most afraid of cold, cold during the menstrual period can lead to lack of blood and blood. So women friends in the winter two big aunts, how to care better? 1. 注意保暖 避免受湿受凉 1. keep warm to avoid cold wet 月经期间要注意保暖,避免受湿受凉,在寒冷的冬季,更要时刻警惕寒气入侵,尤其要注意避免雨雪天气长时间待在户外。冬天要避免户外剧烈运动,如果想在月经期间进行运动,可以做一些轻体力劳动,或者等太阳出来后到户外散散步。此外,保持充足的睡眠,避免熬夜,可以降低受寒感冒的可能,尤其是经期,充足的睡眠还可以缓解身体的不适,帮助你保持好心情。 Pay attention to warm menstruation, avoid wet cold, in the cold winter, more vigilant cold invasion, pay particular attention to avoid rain and snow for a long time in the outdoors. In winter, avoid outdoor strenuous exercise. If you want to exercise during menstruation, you can do some light manual labor or wait for the sun to take a walk outside. In addition, to maintain adequate sleep, avoid staying up late, can reduce the cold cold, especially during menstruation, adequate sleep can ease the discomfort, help you keep a good mood. 2. 经期饮食宜清淡 火锅要尽量避免 2. menstrual period diet should be light hot pot as far as possible to avoid 火锅在冬天是非常受欢迎的食物,滚烫的红油翻滚,光看就觉得身体好像都暖起来了。但是火锅却并不适合经期女性,因为辛辣、油腻都可能导致痛经或者经血过多。月经期更宜温补,冬天可以多吃些牛肉、鸡肉、桂圆、枸杞等温性食物。如果实在嘴馋控制不住,一定不要吃麻辣火锅,火锅的菜色也要注意荤素搭配得当,较好是蔬菜和肉2:1或者3:1搭配。 Hot pot is a very popular food in winter, hot Chili oil tumbling, just look at you feel like warming up. But hot pot is not suitable for menstruating women, because spicy and greasy can lead to dysmenorrhea or too much blood. The menstrual period is more suitable to warm up, in winter we can eat more beef, chicken, cinnamon, wolfberry and other isothermal foods. If you really greedy is out of control, do not eat spicy Hot pot, Hot pot dishes should also pay attention to meat collocation is the best meat and vegetables are 2:1 or 3:1 collocation. 3. 冬季月经不调的饮食调理法 3. dietetic regulation of irregular menstruation in winter 月经期应遵循平衡膳食的原则,摄取*、蜜枣、葡萄干等高纤质食物来补血。午餐及晚餐多吃肉类、蛋、豆腐、黄豆等高蛋白食物,补充经期所流的营养素、矿物质。在两餐之间可以吃一些核桃、腰果等富含维生素B的食物。疏菜水果全谷类食物含有较多纤维,可增加血液中镁的含量,有调整月经的作用。两款冬季调理月经的膳食,冬季是进补时节,月经不规律、不调的女性,在冬天就可以对自己进行食补了。 The menstrual period should follow the principle of a balanced diet, intake of spinach, dates, raisins and other high fiber quality food to the blood. Lunch and dinner eat more meat, eggs, tofu, soya bean and other high protein food, supplement the menstrual flow of nutrients, minerals. Between two meals, you can eat some walnuts, cashews and other foods rich in vitamin B. The whole grain food of vegetable fruit contains more fiber, which can increase the content of magnesium in the blood and adjust the menstruation. Two winter menstruation diet, winter is the tonic season, irregular menstruation, irregular female, in the winter can on their own food. 山东菲展国际贸易有限公司 联系人: 李杰 邮箱:feizhan@ 地址:山东省济南市天桥区水屯路46号山东北园装饰材料批发市场9区21号 网站/ 鲁商云 诺商商道系统,-专业互联网应用服务提供商: 诺商商道系统,-专业互联网应用服务提供商: 诺商基于多年的优化经验和品牌基础推出的诺商商道系统,诺商信息您身边的互联网*