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公司简介:济宁天通水处理设备有限公司,公司位于山东省济宁市——孔孟之乡,曾子故里。公司专业从事废水处理站、废水处理工艺、废水处理设备、工业废水处理设备、水处理设备、生活废水处理设备、环境废水处理设备等水处理设备。专注环保事业,创造美好生活企业的经营理念,丰泽环保以创新的产品,丰厚的技术实力,科学的企业管理成为环保行业领先的企业典范。公司一贯坚持“质量第一,客户至上”的服务宗旨。已“优质、诚信、高效、团结、奉献”的工作态度,用百分之百的服务赢得用户百分之百的满意。 旅游风景区污水处理设备设计主要是对生活污水和与之相类似的工业有机污水的处理,其主要处理手段是采用目前较为成熟的生化处理技术接触氧化法,水质设计参数也按一般生活污水水质设计计算,按进水平均为BOD5200mg/l计,出水BOD5按20mg/l计,共有六部分组成:(1)初沉池(2)接触氧化池(3)二沉池(4)消毒池,消毒装置(5)污泥池(6)风机房、风机组成。 一体化生活污水处理装置简介 现代污水处理技术发展的总趋势是在保证出水水质的前提下尽可能地缩短和简化工艺流程。那么,围绕时空要素,克服传统污水处理工艺流程复杂的弊端,通过对构筑物合理的一体化设计,利用最合理的时空安排,完成池体连续稳定工作的一体化装置,便符合这一污水处理技术发展的总趋势。污水处理一体化装置既可以把曝气和沉淀等操作按时间或空间顺序进行调配,也可以把曝气、沉淀单元或不同工艺的构筑物进行合建。其目的都是为了尽量减少占地面积、降低造价和运行费用,空间和时间则是此类工程设计的关键因素。国内外学者对污水处理一体化装置已经进行了广泛的研究工作,主要是结合一些传统的污水处理工艺(如A/O、氧化沟、MBR和sBR等)设计制造各种一体化生活污水处理装置,现有的一体化生活污水处理装置除一体化氧化沟外都比较适用于中小规模的污水处理。 二、现有一体化生活污水处理装置 1、A/O一体化生活污水处理装置 经大量实践检验,A/O工艺对生活污水能取得较好的处理效果,包括其良好的脱氮除磷效果。 A/O一体化生活污水处理装置是一种将缺氧、好氧段组成一个整体的污水处理装置,若再把沉淀池组合进来,起到二沉池的作用,则可进一步提高出水水质。其主要特点有:(1)占地少、运行成本低、管理容易;(2)耐冲击负荷、出水水质好;(3)可将出水回流至反应器进水口,形成“前置式反硝化生物脱氮系统",取得较好的脱氮效果;(4)处理能力相对有限,大都适用于中小规模的污水处理。 2、一体化氧化沟 一体化氧化沟又称合建式氧化沟(combined oxidationditch),曝气净化与固液分离操作在同一个构筑物中完成,无需建造单独的二沉池,污泥自动回流,可应用于较大规模的污水处理工程中。一体化氧化沟最早由Pasveer教授于1954年在荷兰Voorschoten研制成功,规模型开发研究始于20世纪80年代,美国称之为ICC(interchannel clarifier)型氧化沟Ⅲ1。 它的主要特点有:(1)不设初沉池和单独的二沉池,流程短且占地少,建造及运行费用低,管理简便;(2)污泥自动回流且回流及时,剩余污泥量少且性质稳定;(3)抗冲击负荷能力强,硝化和脱氮作用明显,并有一定的除磷效果;(4)沉淀器会对主沟的水力条件产生一定程度的不利影响,如增加水头损失、污泥回流不充分等,从而影响到氧化沟的整体处理效果。 一体化氧化沟技术开发至今已得到了迅速发展,根据沉淀器置于氧化沟的部位进行区分可概括为3类:沟内式、侧沟式和中心岛式一体化氧化沟。这3种形式国内都有工程实践,国外的发展更为丰富,据1987年统计,美国已有92座合建式氧化沟。具体参。 3、一体化膜生物反应器 一体化膜生物反应器是将膜组件内置于生物反应器,集膜过滤和生物反应器的优点于一身的污水处理一体化装置。其主要特点有:(1)将膜分离设备取代二沉池进行泥水分离,并且剩余污泥少,具有技术、管理、投资和占地等方面的综合优势;(2)膜组件通常放置于生物反应器内,无需污泥回流设备,比膜外置式的能耗低得多,而且能大幅度去除细菌和病毒,出水水质好;(3)膜组件下方设有穿孔管曝气,在膜表面形成循环流速可减轻膜面污染和臭味的产生;(4)膜组件比较容易堵塞,需要清洗和更换,带来操作上的不便。 4、SBR一体化生活污水处理装置 SBR工艺是将曝气、反应、沉淀、排水、闲置这些单元操作按时间顺序在同一个反应池中反复进行。一体化SBR反应器是SBR操作工艺与厌氧、好氧等生物过程相结合而构成的一体化装置。其主要特点是:(1)流程简单、曝气池容积小、不设二沉池、不需污泥回流及池容利用率高;(2)出水好且水质稳定,并可取得较好的脱氮效果;(3)运行和操作灵活、管理方便。 5、一体化生物电化学反应器 一体化生物电化学反应器旅游风景区污水处理设备)是将电化学的方法(电凝聚和电气浮等)与生物处理过程结合起来的一体化装置。它具有同时除去水中有机物、细菌、有毒重金属和其他毒物,旅游风景区污水处理设备降低浊度的优点,但存在电能和电极材料消耗大等缺点。 6、其他一体化生活污水处理装置 除以上一体化装置外,还有许多利用各种物理、化学和生物的方法,针对不同特性污水进行设计,将多个处理过程集成于一体的一体化装置。如针对生活污水,将生物接触氧化法改进得到以下工艺:调节池一一段接触氧化池一一段沉淀池一二段接触氧化池一二段沉淀池一消毒池,已应用于xHs系列一体化污水处理设备中;Albin Pintar等则使用离子交换+接触氧化的方法处理生活污水。针对含油污水,使用水解+微滤的工艺可以取得较好的处理效果。Sheng H.Lin等采用气提+Fenton氧化+SBR的工艺处理COD达80 000 mg/L的高浓度污水,COD去除率高达99%以上。 Company introduction: Jining Tian Tong Shui processing equipment Co., Ltd., the company is located in Jining, Shandong, the hometown of Kong Meng, Zeng Zi's hometown. The company specializes in water treatment equipment such as wastewater treatment station, waste water treatment process, waste water treatment equipment, industrial waste water treatment equipment, water treatment equipment, domestic wastewater treatment equipment, environmental waste water treatment equipment and so on. Attention to environmental protection, create a better life business philosophy, fortress environmental protection with innovative products, rich technical strength, scientific management of enterprises to become the industry's leading business model for environmental protection. The company has consistently adhered to the service tenet of "quality first, customer first". The working attitude of "high quality, good faith, high efficiency, solidarity and dedication" has won the satisfaction of one hundred percent of the users with one hundred percent service. The design of the sewage treatment equipment tourism scenic area is mainly to the domestic sewage and the similar treatment of industrial organic wastewater, the main processing means is the use of the mature biochemical treatment technique of contact oxidation, water quality parameters are also calculated according to the general design of sewage quality design, according to the level of both BOD5200mg/l and BOD5 in water 20mg/l, consists of six parts: (1) the primary settling tank (2) contact oxidation pond (3) two sedimentation tank (4) disinfection tank, sludge tank disinfection device (5) (6), fan fan room. Introduction of integrated domestic sewage treatment device The general trend of the development of modern sewage treatment technology is to reduce and simplify the process as much as possible on the premise of guaranteeing the water quality. Then, around the space elements, to overcome the drawbacks of traditional sewage treatment process is complex, through the integration of the design structure reasonable, the most reasonable space arrangement, integrated device to complete the pool work continuously and stably, it is consistent with this sewage treatment technology development trend. Not only can the aeration and sedimentation operation are deployed by time or space order integrated wastewater treatment device, can also put the structures of aeration and sedimentation unit or different process of building. The purpose is to minimize the area, reduce the cost and the cost of operation. Space and time are the key factors for the design of this kind of engineering. The domestic and foreign scholars have done extensive research on the integrated wastewater treatment device is mainly a combination of some of the traditional wastewater treatment process (such as A / O, MBR and sBR oxidation ditch, etc.) design and manufacture all kinds of integrated sewage treatment equipment, sewage treatment integrated sewage treatment plant in addition to the existing integrated oxidation ditch outside more suitable for small and medium scale. Two, the existing integrated domestic sewage treatment device 1, A/O integrated sewage treatment device has been tested by lots of practice. A / O process can achieve better treatment effect for domestic sewage, including its good nitrogen and phosphorus removal efficiency. The A/O integrated domestic sewage treatment plant is a sewage treatment device which combines the anoxic and aerobic segments. If the sedimentation tank is combined into the two sedimentation tank, it will further improve the effluent quality. Its main features are: (1) an area of small, low operation cost and easy management; (2) the impact load, good water quality; (3) the water flow back to the reactor inlet, the formation of "pre denitrification biological nitrogen removal system, higher nitrogen removal effect; (4) processing sewage treatment capacity is relatively limited, most suitable for small and medium size. 2, the integrated oxidation ditch integrated oxidation ditch and integrated oxidation ditch (combined oxidationditch), aeration purification and solid-liquid separation operation is completed in the construction of a species, without the need for the construction of a separate two sedimentation tank, sludge automatic return, can be applied to sewage treatment project in large scale. The integrated oxidation ditch was first developed by Professor Pasveer in 1954 in Holland Voorschoten. The scale development research began in 1980s. The United States called it ICC (interchannel clarifier) oxidation ditch 1. The main features are: (1) primarysedimentation tank and two single clarifier, short process and less land occupation, construction and low operation cost and convenient management; (2) automatic sludge reflux and reflux time, less residual sludge and stable; (3) strong resistance to shock loading, nitrification and the nitrogen removal effect, and has certain removal effect; (4) the precipitation will adversely affect the hydraulic conditions of the main channel to a certain extent, such as the increase of head loss, return sludge is not sufficient, which affects the overall treatment effect of oxidation ditch. The development of integrated oxidation ditch technology has been developing rapidly up to now. According to the location of precipitator placed in oxidation ditch, it can be divided into 3 categories: ditch type, side ditch type and central island type integrated oxidation ditch. The 3 forms of domestic engineering practice, the overseas development is more abundant, according to 1987 statistics, the United States has 92 integrated oxidation ditch. See more abou related technical documentation. 3, the integrated membrane bioreactor (integrated membrane bioreactor) is an integrated device for sewage treatment, which integrates membrane modules in bioreactors, membrane filters and bioreactors. Its main features are: (1) the membrane separation for water separation equipment to replace the two sedimentation tank, and less residual sludge, which has comprehensive advantages in technology, management, investment and other aspects of an area; (2) membrane components are usually placed in the bioreactor, no sludge return equipment, energy consumption than the external membrane much lower, but also can greatly remove bacteria and viruses, good water quality; (3) the membrane module is arranged below the perforated pipe aeration, the formation of circulating velocity can reduce membrane fouling and odor generated in the membrane surface; (4) the membrane module is easy to plug, cleaned and replaced, bring Operation
相关分类: 污水过滤器 污水处理仪器仪表 污水处理成套设备 加药消毒设备
相关地区: 济宁任城区 济宁兖州区 济宁微山县 济宁鱼台县 济宁金乡县 济宁嘉祥县 济宁汶上县 济宁泗水县 济宁梁山县 济宁曲阜市 济宁邹城市