产品规格: | 120*3 | 产品数量: | 1000.00 米 |
包装说明: | 编织袋 | 价格说明: | 不限 |
查看人数: | 194 人 | 本页链接: | https://info.b2b168.com/s168-83649730.html |
伸缩缝密封胶带桥梁伸缩缝胶条是专门为各种型号的桥梁伸缩缝配套的产品,规格型号全部按照交通部,铁道部的标准生产可与C型、F型及E型缝及其它型号伸缩缝配套使用。橡胶伸缩缝是利用橡胶的高弹性来适应温度变化时,桥面所产生的伸缩变形。橡胶伸缩缝它具有安装方便、行驶平稳、防水、防尘、噪音小、重量轻、造价低的优点得到了桥梁工程界的欢迎与**。 The bridge expansion joint is specially designed for all kinds of bridge expansion joints. All specifications and models can be produced in accordance with the standards of Ministry of communications and Ministry of railways, and can be matched with C, F and E joints and other expansion joints. The rubber expansion joint is the expansion deformation of the bridge surface when the rubber is used to adapt the high elasticity of the rubber to the temperature change. The rubber expansion joint has the advantages of convenient installation, smooth running, waterproof, dustproof, low noise, light weight and low cost, which has been welcomed and praised by the bridge engineering circles. NR和CR表示橡胶种类:NR表示天然橡胶、CR表示氯丁橡胶胶料适用范围 1、采用氯丁橡胶(CR)的伸缩缝装置适用于温度为-25-+60地区 2、采用天然橡胶(NR)的伸缩缝装置适用于温度为-40-+60地区 NR and CR indicate rubber types: NR indicates natural rubber, CR means neoprene rubber application scope 1, neoprene rubber (CR) expansion joint device is suitable for -25 +60 area 2, natural rubber (NR) expansion joint device is suitable for -40 +60 area. 单组式伸缩缝:单组式伸缩缝由型钢、锚固构件和密封橡胶带组成,允许位移量为0~120mm,主要型式有:GQF-C-40,60,80型、QMF(SSF)-80型、SD-80、100、120型等,产品适用于大流量交通地段的公路、城市桥梁、高架道路与立交工程。单组式伸缩缝主要产品型号有GQF型(C 型、Z型、 L型、 F型)。 A single group type expansion joints: composed of steel anchor member and a sealing rubber belt joint single group expansion, allowing the displacement of 0~120mm, the main types are: GQF-C-40, 60,80, QMF (SSF) -80, SD-80, 100, 120. The product is suitable for the highway and city traffic area bridge, viaduct and interchange project. The main products of single group expansion joint are GQF type (C, Z, L, F). GQF-C型单组式桥梁伸缩缝:GQF-C型伸缩缝是中交公路规划设计院设计的一种新颖桥梁伸缩装置,产品适用于大流量交通地段的公路、城市桥梁、高架道路与立交工程。 GQF-C single group bridge expansion joint: GQF-C expansion joint is a new bridge expansion device designed by the middle Jiao highway planning and Design Institute, which is suitable for roads, urban bridges, viaducts and interchange projects with large traffic volume. 结构特点与功能: Structural features and functions: GQF-C型伸缩缝由一条整长的橡胶密封条,一组刚质边梁及锚固件组成。钢质边梁内侧带有能固定橡胶密封条的沟槽。焊固在钢梁外侧的锚固件,与梁端预埋钢筋相焊接,浇筑高强度混凝土过渡后,同梁体连接可靠,具有与桥面接合平顺,密封止水、伸缩灵活,行车平稳,使用寿命长的特点。使用于伸缩量0~80mm的桥梁。 The GQF-C expansion joint consists of a long rubber seal, a group of rigid side beams and anchors. A groove on the inside of a steel side beam has a groove that can be fixed with a rubber seal. The anchorage piece fixed on the outer side of the steel beam is welded with the embedded steel bar at the beam end. After pouring the high strength concrete, it has reliable connection with the beam body. It has the characteristics of smooth connection with the bridge deck, sealing and water stopping, flexible expansion, stable driving and long service life. The bridge is used for the expansion of 0 to 80mm. 主要材料: Main materials: 钢质边梁:采用16Mn的钢轧制,部面呈c形。橡胶密封条:采用氯丁橡胶制造,具有良好的耐老化、耐挠性能。 Steel edge beam with steel rolling 16Mn, the Ministry is C. Rubber seal: made of chloroprene rubber, it has good aging resistance and torsion resistance. 固锚件:有锚栓、锚环、锚板结构三种,设计工程师可根据桥面板设计厚度选用,间距一般为20cm,本厂也可根据设计工程师特定设计制造。 Solid anchors: there are three kinds of anchor bolts, anchor rings and anchor plates. The design engineers can choose the thickness according to the design thickness of the bridge deck. The spacing is generally 20cm, and the factory can also be designed and manufactured according to the design engineer. 选定伸缩缝规格尺寸: The size of the expansion joint is selected: 选定伸缩缝的规格尺寸与使用寿命关系很大,在设计时应考虑足够的伸缩富余量。 The size of the selected expansion joint has a great relationship with the service life. Enough expansion allowance should be taken into account in the design. 当桥梁位移方向与伸缩缝中心线正交时,选用伸缩缝规格比较*,但桥梁位移方向与伸缩缝中心斜交时,须分解成平行与垂直于中心线的两个矢量,选用伸缩缝规格取决于两个矢量当中的一个。 When the bridge displacement direction and the center line of the orthogonal expansion joints, expansion joints selection specification is relatively easy, but the direction and displacement of bridge expansion joint center oblique, must be decomposed into parallel and perpendicular to the center line of the two vectors, the expansion joint specification depends on two vector one. 与接缝平行的矢量:△Lp=△L.cosβ With the joint vector parallel: Delta Lp= Delta L.cos beta 与接缝垂直的矢量:△Lr=△Lr.sinβ With the joint vector perpendicular: Delta Lr= Delta Lr.sin beta 式中:表示桥梁位移的总变形量;为位移方向与接缝方向的交角 Type: said the total deformation of bridge displacement; displacement angle direction and the direction of the joint β=45゜ ∽135° Beta =45 ~ 135 degrees Eve joy △Lr是选用伸缩缝规格的依据, △Lp的变形一般由橡胶密封条的水平错动老完成,对伸缩缝的选用无太大的影响。 Lr is the selection of expansion joint specification, deformation Delta Lp is generally composed of rubber sealing strip the old fault level, without too much influence on the expansion joint. 例:设计桥梁沿结构中心线位移95mm,伸缩缝与其斜交40°,按公式计算△Lr=73mm,△Lp=61mm选用本型号的伸缩缝是适用的。 Example: the design of bridge structure displacement along the center line of the 95mm, with its 40 degree oblique joints, calculated according to the formula of delta Lr=73mm, Delta Lp=61mm used this type of telescopic seam is applicable. 同时要注意,胶条以中部为准,水平错动量在前后两个方向都是不应**过40mm,如计算中发现有过量错动,须选用更大规格的伸缩缝。 At the same time, we should pay attention to the rubber strip in the middle part. The horizontal error in the two directions should not exceed 40mm. If there is excess dislocation in the calculation, we must use larger size expansion joint. 设计时,如带有人行道,防撞墙结构的,必须将设计角度,尺寸数据提供给本厂,便于工厂按设计要求整体制造。 When designing, for example, a sidewalk and anti-collision wall structure, we must provide the design angle and dimension data to our factory, which is convenient for the factory to manufacture according to the design requirements. 安装前现场准备 Pre installation site preparation GQF-C型伸缩缝是在本厂制造并组装,若整条伸缩缝**长不能运输或工程需分段施工,需在现场焊接一体后,再组装橡胶密封条。 GQF-C expansion joint is manufactured and assembled in our factory. If the whole expansion joint is too long to transport or the project needs segmented construction, it is necessary to assemble the rubber sealing strip after being welded on the spot. (1) 伸缩缝预留槽口、在浇筑拟安装伸缩缝的梁体、桥台时,在端部预留符合安装尺寸的槽口、推荐尺寸见表1。 (1) when the slot is reserved for the expansion joint, when the beam body and abutment fitting for expansion joints are to be poured, the slot for the installation size should be reserved at the end, and the recommended size is shown in Table 1. 表1 单位mm Table 1 unit mm 固锚件型式 槽口宽度(b) 槽口深度(h) Groove width (b) depth (H) of the type of solid anchor 锚栓 ≥350 80∽120 锚环 ≥35080∽120锚板 ≥350 ≥150 The anchor bolt is greater than or equal to 35080 to 120 to 120 more than 35080 anchor ring anchor plate is greater than or equal to 350 = 150 注:特殊设计另定 Note: special design is different (2) 预埋钢筋设置:在浇筑梁体或桥台时,应设置预埋钢筋。 (2) pre embedded steel bar setting: when the beam or abutment is poured, the pre embedded steel bar should be set up. 预埋深度不小于50cm,并与梁体、桥台内结构钢筋连接一体;间距尺寸为20cm应和伸缩缝锚固件保持一致。 The buried depth is not less than 50cm, and it is connected with the beam body and abutment steel bar, and the distance between 20cm and the expansion joint anchor is consistent. (3) 梁端间隙应不小于梁体伸长度,在预制、现浇或吊装时由设计工程师根据当地气温确定。 (3) the beam end clearance should be not less than Tishen beam length in prefabricated and cast-in-situ or lifted according to the local temperature determined by the design engineer. (4) 调节伸缩缝定位尺寸“J”,根据安装时气温计算正确,调节后,琐紧定位压板。 (4) adjust the size of the expansion joint positioning "J", according to the temperature calculation is correct when the installation, after adjustment, tight positioning pressure plate. (5) 用发泡塑料板嵌入梁端间隙内,其上部与伸缩缝钢梁内侧密合,尽量达到密封,防止浇筑混凝土时出现漏浆、空洞。 (5) with the foam plastic plate embedded in the beam end clearance, the upper part is closed to the inside side of the expansion joint and the steel beam can be sealed as far as possible, so as to prevent leakage and voids when pouring concrete. 安装 install (1) 伸缩缝吊装就位,检查其中线线与梁缝中心线是否重合,其**面与路面标高是否一致,及时进行调整。 (1) joint hoisting, check for the line and the gap of the beam center line is coincident, the top surface and the pavement elevation is consistent, timely adjustment. (2) 将预娩钢筋和伸缩缝锚固件焊接牢固,再横穿 12或 16水平钢筋。 (2) the pre delivery of rebar and anchor joints welded firmly, then across the 12 or 16 horizontal bars. (3) 立即拆除伸缩缝定位压板,錾去定位螺丝,并用角向砂轮磨去焊疤,补上油漆。 (3) the immediate removal of the expansion joint positioning plate, chisel to the positioning screw, and the angle to the wheel abrasion welding scar, fill the paint. (4) 用胶粘纸带或木板密封伸缩缝**面缝口,在槽口部位即浇筑50号混凝土;用插入式振动棒,充分振捣密实。 (4) * the top surface of the telescopic joint with adhesive tape or board, and fill the 50 concrete at the location of the slot, and use the inserted vibrator to fully vibrate and compact. (5) 抹平混凝土过度段表面。用 (5) the surface of the excess section of concrete is leveled. use