产品规格: | 标准 | 产品数量: | 999999.00 套 |
包装说明: | 彩盒包装 | 价格说明: | 不限 |
查看人数: | 330 人 | 本页链接: | https://info.b2b168.com/s168-74417412.html |
贵州城市公交系统-一卡通公交收费机-停车收费机 贵州城市公交系统-一卡通公交收费机-停车收费机 此资料只为部份资料详情请致电!张小姐: 合创首信将为您提供**解决方案! 详细方案欢迎来电咨询,本公司将竭诚为您提供一卡通详细解决方案,谢谢! IC卡公交收费机/公交刷卡机$公交收费机$公交刷卡机 产品类别:IC卡收费机、智能卡车载系统、打卡公交收费机、IC卡收费机、智能卡车载系统、打卡公交收费机 IC卡收费机、智能卡车载系统、打卡公交收费机系统厂家 ★主要功能 (1)可设定乘车卡类、时段、票价,按照不同单价收费; (2)可查询较近20条记录; (3)可设定消费级别,如卡类**所设定的级别参数,就不能消费; (4)可查本月每天的消费总额及总人数; (5)可设定同一张卡的打卡时间间隔; (6)司机考勤功能; (7)增加限次卡,可限制每种卡类每天较高消费次数; (8)带语音播报功能; (9)按照不同卡类收费 (10)可分时段收费 ★收费机特点 车载机是深圳市卡联科技有限公司自行研制的,系统分为四大板块: (1)软件管理系统(授权并发行乘客卡、充值、注销、换卡、注销、财务报表、消费明细报表、汇总报表、司机考勤报表……); (2)车载机(语音型、非语音型……); (3)母卡充值系统(适合授权点使用,可脱离电脑独立使用); (4)数据采集系统(采集消费明细数据、下载黑名单……); (5)计费方式:按时段、卡类收费,单价可以预先设定,收费机将按照预先设置好的价格收取乘车费用; (6)系统安全可靠:本系统每台收费机可脱机独立操作使用,也可联网使用。每台都具有使用权限加密功能,所以可完全防止和杜绝非法卡的侵入; (7)扩展功能:系统为以后开发预留充分的扩展空间。例如:对企业或公司可扩充为企业内部员工卡系统,对各类学校可扩充为校园卡系统; (8)生成报表功能:可自动统计、清算、报表打印; (9)后台管理软件功能强大:提供完整的乘车卡管理,包括发卡、充值、退卡、挂失黑名单等,实现了汇总计算,统计报表,打印等功能。可随时对消费记录进行查询、核对,实时生成财务报表。WINDOWS中文版操作界面,操作简单、方便实用; (10) 全工业级选料制造,完**适应公交车上特殊环境使用。密封、防尘、防水; 防震和防电磁干扰; (11) 非接触式读写操作、使用方便、简单、抗干扰性强,读卡声光显示、余额显示; (12)**DC对DC稳压电源,由8$48V车载特殊电压转换成12V稳定电压,并有过电压保护; IC卡公交收费机/公交刷卡机$公交收费机$公交刷卡机IC卡公交收费机/公交刷卡机$公交收费机$公交刷卡机IC卡公交收费机/公交刷卡机$公交收费机$公交刷卡机 英文介绍: Setting of ticket system and card types The system can provide several kinds of cards and corresponding functions according to the actual needs of the public transport’s users. Generally the types of cards include: ordinary card, monthly card, student card, staff card, driver card, the elderly (love) card, etc. The definition and dealing methods of the cards’ types in the following table are proposed by our company based on various places’ former public transport IC card system’s cards types setting experiences, while the concrete definition and realizing methods will be determined according to the concrete public transport users’ needs. II. Function of card issuance Operation of card issuance can be carried out through the operator holds a card and enters the password only after the authorization of the administrator, to ensure the system’s security. III. Functions of card selling and recharging as well as passenger query and services 1. Function of selling and recharging IC card reading and writing equipment at the card selling and recharging points is contactless type. The operation of card selling and recharging must be carried out with the authorized operator card and password. The recharging amount, times and other rules of various types of cards’ sectors can be set by the background; the foreground operation must implement the supplement following the corresponding recharging rules allowed by the identification of the system to the card’s type. 2. Function of passenger query Online recharging point has the function of querying the various sectors’ balance inside the passenger’s card. Realize the query to passenger IC card’s consumption records. IV. Function of data acquisition and summary 1. U disk’s data acquisition function Acquisition to the consumption data of the device on vehicle. Download blacklist records. Automatically set parameters. 1. GPRS/CDMA wireless transmission data acquisition function: 1) Can transmit the transaction data of the charging device on vehicle to the server of the management center automatically. 2) Automatically download the blacklist to the charging device on vehicle. 3) Automatically collate the clock of the wireless data acquisition machine.