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    13.3英寸TFT液晶显示屏 TN型 1366*768分辨率 亮度200 高清数码屏
  • 所在区域:广东深圳宝安区
  • 经营性质:有限责任公司
  • 企业类型:生产加工
  • 注册地:广东省深圳市福田区华强北路群星广场B座1807室
  • 主营产品:LCD液晶屏,OLED液晶屏,TFT型液晶屏,TN型液晶屏,IPS型液晶屏,AMOLED型液晶屏
  • 注册资金:人民币 100 - 250 万元
  • 企业已认证
  • 个人实名已认证
    “13.3英寸TFT液晶显示屏 TN型 1366*768分辨率 亮度200 高清数码屏”详细信息
产品规格: 1366*768 产品数量: 10000.00 PCS
包装说明: 夹盒、泡棉及纸箱 价格说明: 不限
查看人数: 407 人 本页链接: https://info.b2b168.com/s168-68957674.html


1.1 Introduction
HB133WX1-201 is a color active matrix TFT LCD module using amorphous silicon TFT's
(Thin Film Transistors) as an active switching devices. This module has a 13.3 inch
diagonally measured active area with HD resolutions (1366 horizontal by 768 vertical
pixel array). Each pixel is divided into RED, GREEN, BLUE dots which are arranged in
vertical Stripe and this module can display 262K colors. The TFT-LCD panel used for this
module is a low reflection and higher color type. Therefore, this module is suitable for
Notebook PC. The LED Driver for back-light driving is built in this model.
All input signals are EDP1.2 interface compatible.
1.2 Features
?1 lane EDP1.2 interface
?Thin and light weight
?6-bit color depth, display 262K colors
?Single LED lighting bar. (Down side/Horizontal direction)
?Data enable signal mode
?Up/Down mounting frame
?Green product (ROHS & Halogen free product)
?On board LED driving circuit
?Low driving voltage and low power consumption
?On board EDID and Timing integrated into one chip
1.3 Application
?Notebook PC (Wide type)
1.4 General Specification
The followings are general specifications at the model HB133WX1-201 (listed in Table 1.)
The followings are maximum values which, if exceed, may cause faulty operation or
damage to the unit. The operational and non-operational maximum voltage and current
values are listed in Table 2.
4.1 Overview
The test of optical specifications shall be measured in a dark room (ambient luminance ? 1
lux and temperature = 25?2℃) with the equipment of luminance meter system (Goniometer
system and TOPCON BM-5) and test unit shall be located at an approximate distance
50cm from the LCD surface at a viewing angle of θ and Φ equal to 0?. We refer to θ?=0
(=θ3 ) as the 3 o’clock direction (the “right”), θ?=90 (= θ12 ) as the 12 o’clock direction
(“upward”), θ?=180 (= θ9 ) as the 9 o’clock direction (“left”) and
θ?=270(= θ6 ) as the 6 o’clock direction (“bottom”). While scanning θ and/or ?, the center
of the measuring spot on the display surface shall stay fixed. The backlight should be
operating for 30 minutes prior to measurement. VDD shall be 3.3+/- 0.3V at 25?C.
Optimum viewing angle direction is 6 ’clock.
5.1 Electrical Interface Connection
The electronics interface connector is STM or Compatible or equivalent. The mating connector part number is I-PEX 20454-030T or Compatible. The connector interface pin assignments are listed in Table 6.
9.0 Connector Deion
Physical interface is described as for the connector on LCM.
These connectors are capable of accommodating the following signals and will be following components.
10.1 Dimensional Requirements
FIGURE 6 shows mechanical outlines for the model HB133WX1-201.
Other parameters are shown in Table 9.
10.2 Mounting
10.3 Glare and Polarizer Hardness.
The surface of the LCD has an hazed coating to achieve anti-glare effect and hard coating
to reduce scratching.
10.4 Light Leakage
There shall not be visible light from the back-lighting system around the edges of the screen as seen from a distance 50cm from the screen with an overhead light level of
(1) Cautions when taking out the module
? Pick the pouch only, when taking out module from a shipping package.
(2) Cautions for handling the module
? As the electrostatic discharges may break the LCD module, handle the LCD module with
care. Peel a protection sheet off from the LCD panel surface as slowly as possible.
? As the LCD panel and back - light element are made from fragile glass material, impulse
and pressure to the LCD module should be avoided.
? As the surface of the polarizer is very soft and easily scratched, use a soft dry cloth
without chemicals for cleaning.
? Do not pull the interface connector in or out while the LCD module is operating.
? Put the module display side down on a flat horizontal plane.
? Handle connectors and cables with care.
(3) Cautions for the operation
? When the module is operating, do not lose CLK, ENAB signals. If any one of these
signals is lost, the LCD panel would be damaged.
? Obey the supply voltage sequence. If wrong sequence is applied, the module
would be damaged.
(4) Cautions for the atmosphere
? Dew drop atmosphere should be avoided.
? Do not store and/or operate the LCD module in a high temperature and/or humidity
atmosphere. Storage in an electro-conductive polymer packing pouch and under relatively
low temperature atmosphere is recommended.
(5) Cautions for the module characteristics
? Do not apply fixed pattern data signal to the LCD module at product aging.
? Applying fixed pattern for a long time may cause image sticking.
(6) Other cautions
? Do not disassemble and/or re-assemble LCD module.
? Do not re-adjust variable resistor or switch etc.
? When returning the module for repair or etc., Please pack the module not to be broken.
We recommend to use the original shipping packages.

欢迎来到深圳市阿美林电子科技有限公司网站,我公司位于经济发达,交通发达,人口密集的中国经济中心城市—深圳。 具体地址是广东深圳宝安区田荣路68号,负责人是杨贤钦。
单位注册资金单位注册资金人民币 100 - 250 万元。



  • 杨贤钦(总经理)







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