产品规格: | 可定做 | 产品数量: | 98000.00 公斤 |
包装说明: | 托盘 | 价格说明: | 不限 |
查看人数: | 176 人 | 本页链接: | https://info.b2b168.com/s168-64196285.html |
**高分子量聚吸水箱面板性能特点: **高分子量聚吸水箱面板使用寿命**钢质,耐磨是炭钢及不锈钢的3~7倍;摩擦系数小,自润滑,不吸水、不粘结物料,抗冲击强度高,综合机械能好,耐酸、碱、盐腐蚀、**化,耐低温,卫生无毒,重量轻,比重是钢材的1/8. 1、**高分子量聚吸水箱面板具有较高的耐磨性、由于其*特的分子结构,耐磨性**一般金属塑料产品、是碳钢的6.6倍,不锈钢的5.5倍,黄铜的27.3倍,尼龙的6倍,聚四氟的5倍。 2、**高分子量聚聚吸水箱面板自润滑性能好,摩擦系数小,流阻小、节省能源。 3、**高分子量聚聚吸水箱面板抗冲击强度高、韧性好,即使在低温下、收到强烈的冲击也不会断裂。 4、**高分子量聚聚吸水箱面板抗化学腐蚀性优异,可耐(除浓酸、、少数**容剂以外)几乎所有的酸、碱、盐介质。 5、**高分子量聚聚吸水箱面板无毒、无味、无渗出物。 6、**高分子量聚聚吸水箱面板良好的绝缘性,较低的吸水率。 7、**高分子量聚聚吸水箱面板优良的抗环境应力开裂性能,是普通聚的200倍。 8、**高分子量聚聚吸水箱面板优良的耐低温性能,即使在—180℃时也不脆裂?。 **高分子量聚吸水箱面板有较好的耐磨性,良好的耐低温冲击性、自润滑性、无毒、耐水、耐化学药品性,耐热性优于一般PE。可广泛应用于对抗冲击、耐磨、耐腐蚀、不粘附、低噪音,以及卫生要求较高的工业矿业领域,并大大降低设备的运营成本和维护费用,提高综合经济效益。 High Density is commonly used for milk jugs and food containers. Low Density is commonly used for bottles and plastic bags. UHMW, which has higher molecular weight (2-6 million) allows for an even transfer over the length of material which makes it stronger and able to be used for bearing applications due to its great wear resistance. Commonly used in the food and dairy industry, UHMW is a great replacement for other materials and solution to many problems. All of these polymers are derived from the same family but all have certain properties that make them a little different. HDPE provides great chemical resistance, with high impact strength and great energy absorption. LDPE has most of the same properties as High Density but is not as dense at 9.15, opposed to HDPE which is 9.34. It also has a lower tensile strength and easier formability.