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  • 所在区域:广东东莞黄江
  • 经营性质:
  • 企业类型:
  • 注册地:
  • 主营产品:**生产种类耳机插座↑DC插座↑USB插座↑拨动开关↑直键开关↑按键开关↑按钮开关↑门锁开关↑船型开关↑微动开关↑门锁开关↑轻触开关↑限位开关↑检测开关↑震动开关等电子元器件的独资企业
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查看人数: 143 人 本页链接: https://info.b2b168.com/s168-48227774.html


Haotian electronic components Co., Ltd. was established in 1985, we have been working in the manufacturing and R & D of switching elements; our specializes in the production of all kinds of button switch is greater than or equal to the microswitch is greater than or equal to push button switch is greater than or equal to switch self-locking toggle switch is greater than or equal to more than vibration switch is greater than or equal to the ball switch is greater than or equal to straight key switch is greater than or equal to rocker switch is greater than or equal to jiggle switch is greater than or equal to a USB socket is greater than or equal to the DC socket is greater than or equal to the earphone socket. With the continuous accumulation of R & D strength, production technology, and marketing experience, adhere to provide customers with quality products, fast delivery and professional technical support and services.
Marketing strategy; Hao Tian in accordance with market demand, the development of niche based new products, based on the breadth of vertical, to help customers shorten the development time, increase the competitiveness of new products.
HAOOT quality and reliable; the factory has achieved ISO9001, ISO-14001 & TS-16949, QS080000 and other certification, and the implementation of the TQM management system.
HAOOT technological innovation; to recruit outstanding R & D, introduce advanced equipment, should be due to market trend quickly launched in line with the requirements of market and customers of new products.
HAOOT service satisfaction; flexible delivery time, fast service, greatly increased the competitiveness of customers/



HAOOT质量**;工厂取得ISO9001、 ISO-14001 & TS-16949、QS080000等认证,并落实推动TQM管理系统。



欢迎来到皓天电子元件有限公司网站,我公司位于素有“龙舟之乡、中国民间艺术之乡、举重之乡、粤剧之乡”之美誉,号为“世界工厂”的东莞市。 具体地址是广东东莞黄江黄江镇合路工业区,联系人是杜小姐。



  • 杜小姐(经理)







相关分类: 组合开关 转换开关 震动开关 遥控开关 压力开关 行程开关 限位开关 温控开关 特殊/专业开关 墙壁开关 流量开关 开关电源 脚踏开关 光电开关 感应开关 负荷开关 浮球开关 船型开关 薄膜开关 波段开关 拨动开关 按钮开关

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