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嘉成电子是一家专业生産铁芯及电感之供应商,西元1986年成立於闽台。凭着二十多年的制造经验,我们能提供高品质且价格合理的产品。目前嘉成拥有两个生産工厂,分别座落於广东及江苏,人数共750人。嘉成的产品已出口至世界各地,并且在**许多**磁性零件设计及主机板制造商中使用。嘉成的目标是提供客户较大的价值,包含高品质,准时的交期以及技术支援。客户的需求永远被置於**位,嘉成将尽较大的努力,满足客户的需求。 KARSON, a manufacturer and supplier of iron powder cores and power inductor ,was founded in 1986 in Taiwan. With over 20 years successful experience in manufacturing.We could supply you high quality products with competitive price. Now Karson has two factories, one is in Guang-dong, and the other is in Jiang-su. Both factories are carried ISO9001: 2000 version certificate. As the biggest supplier of electronics components in Asia, the Toroidal cores monthly capacity has reached up to 60kkpcs, SMD cores monthly capacity up to 15KKpcs & power inductor monthly capacity up to 100KKpcs. Karson's products are shipped worldwide and used broadly by the most recognized global magnetic components design and manufacturing companies. Our aim is to provide the customers with the greatest value. This includes a combination of quality, on-time delivery, competitive pricing , and technical support . Satisfying customers is our number one objective, We place the customers first and will maintain the highest standards of ethical conduct in all our activities.