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1.低温硬管1. Cryogenic Rigid Pipe
DN150低温硬管DN150 Cryogenic Rigid Pipe
Cryogenic liquid transmission pipeline of high vacuum multi-layer insulation manufactured by our company has unique technology, advanced craft, excellent function, low evaporation loss rate, aesthetic modeling, and convenient installation. Its shell is polished, aesthetic and practical. It is also used in many industries and areas.
产品标准:Product Standard:
    GB50316—2000      《工业金属管道设计规范》Design Specification for Industrial Metallic Piping
    GB50235—1997     《工业金属管道工程施工及验收规范》Specification for Construction and Acceptance of Industrial Metallic Piping
    GB/T 18443.4-2001  《低温绝热压力容器试验方法  漏放气速率测量》Testing Method of Cryo-insulation Pressure Vessels—Leak and Outgassing Rate Measurement 
    GB/T 14976—2000   《流体输送用不锈钢无缝管》Seamless Stainless Steel Tube for Fluid Transport
    GB/T 12777—1999   《金属波纹管膨胀节通用技术条件》General Specification for Metal Bellows Expansion Joints
    GB/T 18443.2-2001  《低温绝热压力容器试验方法  真空度测量》Testing Method of Cryo-insulation Pressure Vessels—Vacuum Measurement
    GB/T 18443.3-2001  《低温绝热压力容器试验方法  漏率测量》Testing Method of Cryo-insulation Pressure Vessels—Leak Rate Measurement
    TSG D2001-2006    《压力管道元件制造许可规则》Pressure Pipe Unit Manufacture Appraisal Regulation
    TSG D7002-2006    《压力管道元件型式试验规则》Pressure Piping Components Type Test Regulation
    JB/T 4708—2000   《钢制压力容器焊接工艺评定》Welding Procedure Qualification for Steel Pressure Vessels
    JB/T 4709—2000   《钢制压力容器焊接规程》Welding specification for steel pressure vessels
    JB4730-2005       《承压设备无损检测》Nondestructive Testing of Pressure Equipment
    劳动部《压力管道安全管理与*规定》Safety Supervision Regulations for Pressure Vessels by Ministry of Labor
生产材料:Production Materials:
Inner and outer tubes are made of 0Cr18Ni9 seamless stainless steel. 
产品特点:Product Feature:
Structural innovation: automatic centering rigid support is used for inner and outer tubes so that cold loss brought about by short circuit of inner and outer tubes due to pipe deflection or unreasonable support is prevented. 
Excellent insulation: between pipe sections are seamless corrugated compensator structures. Interlayer is made of insulation materials of high reflectivity and excellent insulation performance. 
Long service life: outer tube has adjustable vacuum valve so that degree of sealed vacuum is high. The vacuum can also be pumped repeatedly. However, some defects like low vacuum degree, short service life and high evaporation loss in “one-off vacuum” of traditional product are removed.
High safe reliability: adjustable vacuum valve can fasten or loosen itself. It can also decompress itself when overpressure brought about by damaged vacuum interlayer occurs. 
High technological content: an optional special vacuum pressure sensor for measuring vacuum is offered if there is a need from user.
产品规格型号:Product Specifications & Model:
管道规格 Pipeline specifications (mm)	性能参数Performance parameter
公称通径Nominal diameter	内管Inner tube	外管Outer tube	
DN15	ф18	ф89	工作压力Working pressure	根据用户需要设计
Design in line with customer’s demands
DN20	ф25	ф89	设计温度Design temperature	-196℃~-183℃
DN25	ф32	ф89	工作介质Working medium	LO2, LN2, Lar, LH2, LHe
DN32	ф38	ф102	内、外管材质Materials for inner & outer tubes	0Cr18Ni9
DN40	ф45	ф108	绝热材料Heat-insulating material	多层Multi-layer
DN50	ф57	ф114	结构形式Structural style	高真空多层多屏绝热High vacuum, multi-layer, multi-screening insulation
DN65	ф73	ф133	夹层真空度Interlayer vacuum degree	<0.002Pa
DN80	ф89	ф159	管道冷损量Cold loss amount of pipeline	<0.5W/m(设计数据)(design data)
DN100	ф108	ф168	真空漏率Vacuum leak rate	<2×10-7PaL/s
DN125	ф133	ф219	管强度试验Strength test of tube	根据工作压力进行设计Design according to working pressure 
DN150	ф159	ф219	气密性试验Air-tight test	根据工作压力进行设计Design according to working pressure
2.低温软管 2. Cryogenic Flexible Pipe
DN50低温软管 DN50 Cryogenic Flexible Pipe
Cryogenic liquid transmission pipeline of high vacuum multi-layer insulation manufactured by our company has unique technology, advanced craft, excellent function, low evaporation loss rate, aesthetic modeling and convenient installation. Its shell is polished, aesthetic and practical. It is also used in many industries and areas.
    GB50316—2000      《工业金属管道设计规范》Design Specification for Industrial Metallic Piping
    GB50235—1997     《工业金属管道工程施工及验收规范》Specification for Construction and Acceptance of Industrial Metallic Piping
    GB/T 18443.4-2001  《低温绝热压力容器试验方法  漏放气速率测量》Testing Method of Cryo-insulation Pressure Vessels—Leak and Outgassing Rate Measurement
    GB/T 14976—2000   《流体输送用不锈钢无缝管》Seamless Stainless Steel Tube for Fluid Transport
    GB/T 12777—1999   《金属波纹管膨胀节通用技术条件》General Specification for Metal Bellows Expansion Joints
    GB/T 18443.2-2001  《低温绝热压力容器试验方法  真空度测量》Testing Method of Cryo-insulation Pressure Vessels—Vacuum Measurement
    GB/T 18443.3-2001  《低温绝热压力容器试验方法  漏率测量》Testing Method of Cryo-insulation Pressure Vessels—Leak Rate Measurement
    TSG D2001-2006    《压力管道元件制造许可规则》Pressure Pipe Unit Manufacture Appraisal Regulation
    TSG D7002-2006    《压力管道元件型式试验规则》Pressure Piping Components Type Test Regulation
    JB/T 4708—2000   《钢制压力容器焊接工艺评定》Welding Procedure Qualification for Steel Pressure Vessels
    JB/T 4709—2000   《钢制压力容器焊接规程》Welding specification for steel pressure vessels
    JB4730-2005       《承压设备无损检测》Nondestructive Testing of Pressure Equipment
    劳动部《压力管道安全管理与*规定》Safety Supervision Regulations for Pressure Vessels by Ministry of Labor
生产材料:Production Materials:
Inner and outer tubes are made of 0Cr18Ni9 seamless stainless steel. 
产品特点:Product Feature:
Structural innovation: automatic centering rigid support is used for inner and outer tubes so that cold loss brought about by short circuit of inner and outer tubes due to pipe deflection or unreasonable support is prevented. 
Excellent insulation: between pipe sections are seamless corrugated compensator structures. Interlayer is made of insulation materials of high reflectivity and excellent insulation performance. 
Long service life: outer tube has adjustable vacuum valve so that degree of sealed vacuum is high. The vacuum can also be pumped repeatedly. However, some defects like low vacuum degree, short service life and high evaporation loss in “one-off vacuum” of traditional product are removed.
High safe reliability: adjustable vacuum valve can fasten or loosen itself. It can also decompress itself when overpressure brought about by damaged vacuum interlayer occurs. 
High technological content: an optional special vacuum pressure sensor for measuring vacuum is offered if there is a need from user.
产品规格型号:Product Specifications & Model:
管道规格 Pipeline specifications (mm)	性能参数Performance parameter
公称通径Nominal diameter	内管Inner tube	外管Outer tube	
DN15	ф18	ф89	工作压力Working pressure	根据用户需要设计Design in line with customer’s demands
DN20	ф25	ф89	设计温度Design temperature	-196℃~-183℃
DN25	ф32	ф89	工作介质Working medium	LO2, LN2, Lar, LH2, LHe
DN32	ф38	ф102	内、外管材质Materials for inner & outer tubes	0Cr18Ni9
DN40	ф45	ф108	绝热材料Heat-insulating material	多层Multi-layer
DN50	ф57	ф114	结构形式Structural style	高真空多层多屏绝热High vacuum, multi-layer, multi-screening insulation
DN65	ф73	ф133	夹层真空度Interlayer vacuum degree	<0.002Pa
DN80	ф89	ф159	管道冷损量Cold loss amount of pipeline	<0.5W/m(设计数据)(design data)
DN100	ф108	ф168	真空漏率Vacuum leak rate	<2×10-7PaL/s
DN125	ф133	ф219	管强度试验Strength test of tube	根据工作压力进行设计Design according to working pressure 
DN150	ф159	ф219	气密性试验Air-tight test	根据工作压力进行设计Design according to working pressure

欢迎来到成都盛杰低温设备有限公司网站,我公司位于地势平坦、河网纵横、物产丰富,农业发达,自古就有“天府之国”美誉的成都市。 具体地址是四川成都温江区温江区海峡科技园盛华路77号,联系人是周先生。



  • 周先生()





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