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斯卡尼亚卡车**诊断仪 产品描述: Scannia vci2是专门用来检测斯卡尼亚卡车电控系统故障的检测设备。这个是一个基于PC平台的一个汽车 检测设备,其所使用的软件是 Scania Diagnose&Programmer3(SDP3). 主要测试功能: 1,读取汽车电控系统的版本信息 2,能测试所有汽车装载的电控系统。如,发动机,变速箱,ABS,安全气囊,车身系统等。 3,修理人员可以有选择的测试所要测试的系统,能读取所测试系统的故障代码,数据流。同时也能对所 测系统进行设置。 4,可以存储汽车检测的数据,尤其是当汽车出现故障代码时的数据,以便检测完汽车后,对汽车故障进 行分析并较终找出故障原因。 5,重新编程汽车控制模块。 6,读取汽车行驶时的数据,并可以存储到电脑。 使用Scania SDP3这个软件,需要一个PC机,VCI2以及一个USB KEY,只有这些部件符合要求,才可以使用 这个软件来测车。 软件支持的语言有:中文,英语,德语,法语,西班牙语,日本语,荷兰语,波兰语,葡萄牙语,瑞典语 ,挪威语,芬兰语,土耳其语,意大利语,捷克语。俄语 主要部件: 1, VCI2汽车诊断盒子(自带OBD2接头及USB) 2, USB KEY 3, 软件光盘 4, 包装袋 Detailed Product Description Scania truck diag tool Inuluding CD and USB KEY Its made in Sweden Warranty one year and update free one year PROFESSIONAL SCANIA DIAGNOSTIC TOOL Features: Name and version of the vehicle system. Stored fault codes, proposals for remedial action and delete option. Control unit configuration and settings. Information about electrical components and their location. Input and output **s. Activation of components. Spare part programming. Circuit diagrams. For each circuit there is a diagram which clearly shows how the particular circuit is implemented in the respective vehicle. Chassis data. The vehicle gives the program a description of itself and how it is configured. User functions. In order to meet service market requirements to work more effectively, there is an option to troubleshoot via user functions, e.g. cruise control. Use of the program requires a PC, a USB key and a VCI2. These components must comply with the applicable system requirements, so that the program will operate correctly. After connecting VCI2 to the PC and starting SDP3, you can access information about VCI2 by opening the menu under View. This works regardless of whether VCI2 is connected to the vehicle or not. Supported languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Japanese, Dutch, Polish, Portuguese, Swedish, Norwegian, Suomi, Turkish, Italian, Czech, Russian, Chinese. VCI2 supports the earlier systems in P, R, T series and K, N series vehicles and industrial and marine engines. System in the vehicle supported by SDP3 Set includes: Vehicle Communication Interface Carrying case