产品规格: | 不限 | 产品数量: | 80.00 台 |
包装说明: | 原装 | 价格说明: | 不限 |
查看人数: | 235 人 | 本页链接: | https://info.b2b168.com/s168-34779957.html |
公司编号: | 8106586 | 更新时间: | 2024-02-28 13:21:17 |
瑞士LEICA DISTO徕卡D210测距仪-室内80米 Q:你测距仪是否为?可不可以开发票? A:我们正规公司,所售的产品为行货;可以开具正规发票,请选择开票价格购买,电脑机打发票; Q:D210只能在室内吗?是否可以在室外使用? A:因为D210是激光点寻找目标,主要用于室内,室外光线比较强,难以找到目标,大概能测个2米左右,如果需要测室内外的请选择D510型; Q:D210测距仪怎么保修,收到的测距仪出现问题怎么? A:收到货7天内有问题免费换新机,按照瑞士LEICA保修条款保修2年,请上LEICA DISTO徕卡官网注册可保修3年/index.asp;目前售后维修中心有:上海、北京、武汉、青岛、广州、兰州、郑州、成都; Q:是否有现货?多久能发货? A:大量现货,当天16:00前拍下当天即时发货; 基本技术参数 范围: 0.05 – 80m 精度: ± 1.0mm 产品特点 大的按键:你需要做的每一次测量将被保证精度达到± 1.0 mm 小巧易握:得益于人体工程学和柔软易握的紧凑设计,手里感觉好,且很轻适合装入口袋携带。 多功能底座:拥有多功能底座,无论从角落、狭缝边缘处进行测量,各种环境都能应对。使用时仪器能自动识别多功能底座,以避免产生昂贵的错误代价。 多种快捷组合按键 同时按加/减键,可选择高精度,高显示单位为0.1mm;同时按住"clear/off"键和"-"键,可锁定或者解锁键盘。 三行自动感光显示:黑暗中也易于操作,任何角度都可以清晰读数。 有关精度和测程的行业高标准ISO 16331-1 ,体现了DISTO的与众不同 徕卡测量系统为新的ISO 16331-1标准制定做出了重大的贡献,它详细地定义了包含精度和测程必须满足的信息,并且描述了必要的测量规程。这些注明后的参数能够被立的机构测试,因此这使得对不同品牌的测距仪进行直接比较成为可能。 其它功能特点: 小/大值测量, 面积累加, 体积,存储, 勾股, 放样, 基准位置切换, 加, 减等等。 标准配置:D210主机,仪器软包,挂绳 ,2节AAA 1.5V 电池 ,CD光盘(含说明书和安全手册), 产品证书,快速入门手册. The compact and handy entry-level model has many interesting functions and is still simple to use. Addition and subtraction, area and volume calculations for rapid and reliable site measurement. The last 10 results are stored. Leica DISTO? D210 – leave the measuring tape behind. Power Range Technology? IP54 dust and water splash protection Illuminated 3-line display Automatic multifunctional end-piece Technical specifications: Typical measuring accuracy ± 1 mm Range up to 80 m Measuring units 0.000 m, 0.0000 m, 0.00 m, 0.00 ft, 0‘00‘‘ 1/32, 0.0 in, 0 in 1/32 Power Range Technology? ? Distance in m ? of the laser dot in mm 10, 50, 100 m 6, 30, 60 mm Protection class IP54 – dust and splash water protected Measurements per set of batteries up to 5000 Batteries type AAA 2 × 1,5 V Dimensions 114 × 50 × 27 mm Weight with batteries 126 g Functions: Min/max measurement ? Continuous measurement ? Stake out function ? Addition/subtraction ? Area/volume ? Painter function ? Pythagoras 2 and 3 points Memory 10 Results Illuminated display ? Multifunctional end-piece with automatic recognition ISO Standard 16331-1 – The standard for laser distance meters The range and accuracy of laser distance meters depend on light conditions and reflectivity of the measuring target. For Leica Geosystems it is important that the instruments not only perform under perfect laboratory conditions, but above all under the kind of everyday working conditions encountered on construction sites. This is why, working together with external experts, the company have developed a standard by which laser distance meters can be tested and compared with each other. Precision at the touch of a button For everything you need to be accurate: The Leica DISTO? D210 measures with an accuracy of ± 1.0 mm. Small and handy Thanks to its ergonomic and compact design with soft grip, the Leica DISTO? D210 sits securely in your hand, is lightweight and fits into any pocket. Multifunctional end-piece Whether measuring out of corners, slots or from edges, with this end-piece you are prepared for all measuring situations. The instrument detects the end-piece automatically, which helps you avoid expensive measuring errors. Easy to read display The results are shown on three lines. The display illumination means they can be clearly read, even in the dark.