产品规格: | 不限 | 产品数量: | 不限 |
包装说明: | 25kg/桶 | 价格说明: | 不限 |
查看人数: | 197 人 | 本页链接: | https://info.b2b168.com/s168-32596250.html |
一、主要用途: ⑴本品属于酸洗和钝化二合一综合型产品, ⑵可在钝化之初,同时清除表面极薄的贫铬层金属。当氧化皮除去后,整个反应转变为钝化过程,形成有效钝化保护。 ⑶可针对不锈钢表面各类有油污、氧化皮、焊斑和锈等现象彻底清除,并形成均匀的银白色亚光钝化膜,大大提高工件的抗腐蚀能力。 二、特性与优点: 。① 集成酸洗和钝化;使工艺更简单、成本更节省; 。② 本品不含传统配方的硝酸,从而根除由于酸洗过程产生氮氧化物而造成的污染,改善工件环境;同时添加了优异的缓蚀剂,不会带来氢脆的危害; 。③ 经本品处理后的工件,电位可达800多毫伏、大大提高耐蚀能力。 三、应用范围: 。本品适用于201、202、304、316和304L等奥氏体不锈钢的表面银白色钝化处理,不适用对SUS400系列马氏体材料的钝化。特别适用于小型复杂的不锈钢工件。 典型性质: 凯盟不锈钢酸洗钝化液ID4008 典型数据 测试方法 相对密度(20℃) 1.02 密度计 外观 无色透明液体 目视 氧化还原电位ORP ≥1000mv ORP计 PH值 <3 PH计 使用方法: ? 初次使用本品者请详读物质安全数据MSDS说明,无经验者在专业人士指引下使用,小批量试作合格再批量生产; ? SUS300系列不锈钢处理时采用原液进行,若对SUS200系列不锈钢处理时请将本品按1:2~4稀释后使用(以上不包括易削铁的钝化) ? 本品为常温浸泡使用,一般处理时间为10~30分钟或更长时间(具体时间由用户根据自已工件的试用情况而定)。至表面污垢完全清除,形成均匀的银白色表面、即认为已形成有致密的钝化膜,即可取出用清水冲洗干净,最好再用vicom“中和防锈液KM0413”进行中和防锈处理效果更佳。工件烘干包装前,建议使用Cl-含量<25PPM的软水浸泡1~3min,可有效将工件表面不溶性杂质去除并防止水痕的产生。 常规工艺流程: 酸洗钝化—二次流动清水漂洗—中和防锈—漂水---泡纯净水—烘干或晾干 以上工艺可根据需要增减 First, the main purpose: ⑴ This product is part of pickling and passivation two in one integrated product, ⑵ to at the beginning of the passivation and eliminate poverty very thin chromium metal. When oxide after drop, reaction to passivation process of transformation as a whole, form an effective passive protection. Stainless steel surface c against all kinds of oils, scale, welding spots and rust completely cleared, and form a uniform silvery white Matt film, greatly improving the corrosion resistance of the workpiece. Second, theFeatures and benefits: 。 Integrated pickling and passivation; make the process simpler, more cost savings; 。 this product does not contain the traditional formula of nitric acid, thus eradicating pollution due to the pickling produces nitrogen oxides, improving the work environment while adding a superior inhibitor of, does not bring harm of hydrogen embrittlement; 。 after processing by this product work, potential of up to 800 MV, significantly improving the corrosion resistance ability. Third, the scope of application: 。 This product is applicable to 201, and202, and304, and316 and 304L Silver and white passivation treatment on the surface of austenitic stainless steel, does not apply on SUS400 passivation of series Martensitic materials. Especially suitable for small complex workpieces of stainless steel. Typical properties: Kai Meng stainless steel pickling passivation solution ID4008 Typical data Test method Relative density (20° c) 1.02 Density meters Appearance Colorless transparent liquid Visual Oxidation reduction potential ORP ≥1000mv ORP Meter PH <3 PH Meter Usage: ? Use this product for the first time, please read material safety data MSDS instructions , no experience under the guidance of professional use , try small batch to be eligible and then mass production; ?SUS300 series stainless steel handle with liquid, if on the SUS200 series stainless steel when handling this product press 1:2~4 used after dilution (above does not include the cutting iron-passivated) ? Immersed in this product is at room temperature, generally processing time for 10~30 minutes or longer (time based on your own work by the user trial of the case may be). To completely clean the dirt on the surface, form a uniform silvery passivation of surface, is considered to have formed a tight membrane, rinse out with water, preferably with Vicom"and antirust fluid in KM0413" and rust treatment is better. Workpiece to dry before packing is recommended to use Cl- content <25PPM immersed in soft water 1~3min, effective surface of insoluble impurities removal and to prevent water marks. General process flow: Pickling and passivation - secondary flow in clear water rinse-and rust - bleach water --- bubble pure water-drying or air-dried Increases or decreases in process above as needed