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  • 所在区域:广东东莞谢岗
  • 经营性质:
  • 企业类型:
  • 注册地:
  • 主营产品:不锈钢钝化液,电解抛光液,不锈钢防锈液,环保钝化液,不锈钢酸洗液
  • 注册资金:
  • 企业已认证
  • 个人实名已认证
产品规格: 不限 产品数量: 不限
包装说明: 25kg/桶 价格说明: 不限
查看人数: 39 人 本页链接: https://info.b2b168.com/s168-32596040.html


一、不锈钢钝化液 主要用途:

二、不锈钢钝化液 特性与优点:

凯盟不锈钢钝化液ID3000	典型数据	测试方法
相对密度(20℃)	1.02	密度计
外观	红色透明液体	目视
总酸度(PT)	15~30	滴定分析仪
PH值	<3	PH计

三、不锈钢钝化液 应用范围:
。 本品主要适用于批量多、产量大和方便浸泡的中小型不锈钢工件(工件体积小于3立方米以下时建议使用,大于3立方米或批量较小建议使用vicom不锈钢钝化膏KM0415处理,效果等同); 如螺丝、小型家具、食品机械、数码电器部件、五金零件等。

?  初次使用本品者请详读物质安全数据MSDS说明,无经验者在专业人士指引下使用,小批量试作合格再批量生产;
? 酸洗或活化,凡有经过焊接、轧制或热处理等机加工艺的零件钝化前应进行酸洗(可用3~10%的稀硫酸)酸洗2~5分钟(具体时间自己控制,主要把氧化皮除净露出金属属基体即可),或者直接使用我司生产的“不锈钢专用活化液”进行酸洗;凡有进行电解抛光、化学抛光、机械研磨抛光,表面洁净、无氧化皮、锈斑的工件可以直接进行钝化
? 将清洁的工件置于本品中完全浸泡30分钟以上,(一般为30min,对于要求较高者可适当延长钝化时间,时间越长相应钝化膜越完整),取出用清水漂洗干净,最好再用vicom “中和防锈液KM0413”进行中和防锈处理。
? 清洗 不可用井水冲洗,用自来水冲净工件表面不得有残留;
? 最后用氯离子含量小于25PPM的清水(纯净水或过滤器过滤的软水)浸泡漂洗3分钟。
? 烘干即可包装 



?   操作人员戴好劳动保护用具后进行操作,杜绝皮肤与钝化液接触。如误触,需立即用清水冲洗即可。
?   本品遇碱盐会产生聚合反应,应注意分开单独存放,勿混合使用。
?   浸泡完毕后,务必将表面洗干净,否则残留的药液会对工件表面产生一定的副作用
?   清洗不锈钢表面后,所排出的酸水溶液,为了环保,请使用者将废水集合水池,然后用石灰、碳酸钠、氢氧化钠中和在PH值7~8时排放
?   酸洗时不可用盐酸(盐酸中含氯离子,氯离子容易吸附在工件表面,不易清除,并对钝化有破坏)

?  本产品在储存、装卸时,参照SH/TO164进行。最高温度不应超过75℃;若长期储存,最高温度不应超过45℃。本产品不燃烧、不爆、有弱腐蚀性、环保;
? 25Kg/桶化工桶包装,按一般化学品运输。

A main use, stainless steel passivation solution:
  This product is suitable for all austenitic SUS200 and 300(for example, 201, and202, and204, and301, and303, and304, and316 ... ) Series of color passivation for stainless steel, treated the workpiece does not change size and color, salt spray testing capacity to raise 3~15 times best up NSS tests 1200 hours stainless steel, due to material generated on the surface is closed rather than physical chemical conversion coating film , is to replace the best process of antirust oil. This product can improve the precision of the workpiece and added value. Widely used food machinery, medical devices, electronic hardware, and communications equipment for pressure vessel and so on.

II, stainless steel passivation solution Features and benefits:
。Passivation effect is good, tight, complete form a passivating film, processed workpieces of neutral salt spray testing SUS200>48H, andSUS300>200H stainless steel. Stability and resistance to salt spray in the same industry leading level;
。 Operation is simple , and easy to use, solution to environmental protection, economic. No special requirements of processing equipment and strict conditions, generally immerse the plastic container at room temperature , device configuration is very flexible and easy to buy to meet everyone can do, will do, and easy to do features and greatly reduce labor intensity . And lower cost (than outward processing save 2/3 cost);
。 This product adds a superior inhibitor does not bring harm of hydrogen embrittlement. Liquid stable, will not break down, no precipitation, easy to transport, three-year shelf life, with access to.
Typical properties: 
Kai Meng stainless steel passivation solution ID3000	Typical data	Test method
Relative density (20° c)	1.02	Density meters
Appearance	Red transparent liquid	Visual
Total acidity (PT)	15~30	Titration analyser
PH 	<3	PH Meter
Three applications, stainless steel passivation solution scope:
。 This product is mainly used in bulk, large output and easy immersion medium stainless steel workpiece ( workpiece size less than 3 cubic metres the following recommendations when using , greater than 3 cubic metres or bulk small recommended Vicom passivation of stainless steel cream KM0415 , same effect ); Such as screws, small furniture, food machine, digital appliance parts, metal parts, etc. 

?  First use of this product, please read the detailed material safety data MSDS instructions , experience under the guidance of professionals , try to be eligible for mass production in small batches;
? The product is a liquid at room temperature , taking into account climatic characteristics of winter temperature in North China maintained greater than 15° c;
? Oil degreasing, according to workpiece machining mechanical polishing should in addition to La (our "General-de-wax cleaning agent"), flush water after cleaning ensure that the surfaces are clean;
? Pickling or activation , or heat treatment after welding, rolling, machining process of parts before pickling passivation ( 3~10% dilute sulphuric acid ) acid 2~5 min ( control at a specific time , mainly showing metal oxide addition to net a matrix ),Or just use our production of "liquid stainless steel special activation" for pickling; where there are electro-chemical polishing, polishing, grinding and polishing, surface clean, scale, rust-free passivation of workpiece can directly
? Place the workpiece to be clean this product is fully soaked in 30 minutes or more ,(typically 30min, for demanding the appropriate extension of passivation time longer more complete passivation film) and remove rinse clean with water , preferably with Vicom "and antirust fluidKM0413" And rust.
? Cleaning is not flush with water , rinse with tap water surface without residue;
? Last by chlorine ion content of less than 25PPM of clear water ( purified water softener or filter the water ) immersion rinse 3 minutes.
? Drying can be packaged 

General process flow:
Skim-pickling-bleach water ( activated )--- floating water - passivation - secondary flow in clear water rinse-and rust - bleach water --- bubble pure water-drying or air-dried
Increases or decreases in process above as needed

Environmental performance:
  This product complies with RoHS requirements, there are third-party SGS detection provides test report

?   Operations personnel to wear after the labor protection appliances in operation, to prevent skin contact with passivation solution. Hit by mistake, immediately rinse with water.
?   This product is alkali salts results in polymerization reaction , should be noted separately stored , do not mix.
?   After the soaking is complete , be sure to clean the surface , liquid or residue on the surface of the workpiece have certain side-effects
?   Clean the stainless steel surface, emit acid solution, for environmental protection, please use waste water collection pool, then neutralized with sodium hydroxide and sodium carbonate, lime, PH value 7~8 emissions
?   Pickling is not available when hydrochloric acid ( hydrochloric acid chlorine ions , chloride ions easily adsorbed on the surface , is difficult to clear , and destruction of the passivation)

欢迎来到东莞市凯盟表面处理技术开发有限公司网站,我公司位于素有“龙舟之乡、中国民间艺术之乡、举重之乡、粤剧之乡”之美誉,号为“世界工厂”的东莞市。 具体地址是广东东莞谢岗东莞市谢岗镇曹乐其乐新村,联系人是覃绍迷。



  • 覃绍迷(营销代表)







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