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    供应不锈钢本色防锈液 效果灰常好!
  • 所在区域:广东东莞谢岗
  • 经营性质:
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  • 注册地:
  • 主营产品:不锈钢钝化液,电解抛光液,不锈钢防锈液,环保钝化液,不锈钢酸洗液
  • 注册资金:
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    “供应不锈钢本色防锈液 效果灰常好!”详细信息
产品规格: 不限 产品数量: 不限
包装说明: 25kg/桶 价格说明: 不限
查看人数: 101 人 本页链接: https://info.b2b168.com/s168-32263377.html


供应不锈钢本色防锈液 效果灰常好!
A main use, stainless steel passivation solution:
  This product is suitable for all austenitic SUS200 and 300(for example, 201, and202, and204, and301, and303, and304, and316 ... ) Series of color passivation for stainless steel, treated the workpiece does not change size and color, salt spray testing capacity to raise 3~15 times best up NSS tests 1200 hours stainless steel, due to material generated on the surface is closed rather than physical chemical conversion coating film , is to replace the best process of antirust oil. This product can improve the precision of the workpiece and added value. Widely used food machinery, medical devices, electronic hardware, and communications equipment for pressure vessel and so on.

II, stainless steel passivation solution Features and benefits:
。Passivation effect is good, tight, complete form a passivating film, processed workpieces of neutral salt spray testing SUS200>48H, andSUS300>200H stainless steel. Stability and resistance to salt spray in the same industry leading level;
。 Operation is simple , and easy to use, solution to environmental protection, economic. No special requirements of processing equipment and strict conditions, generally immerse the plastic container at room temperature , device configuration is very flexible and easy to buy to meet everyone can do, will do, and easy to do features and greatly reduce labor intensity . And lower cost (than outward processing save 2/3 cost);
。 This product adds a superior inhibitor does not bring harm of hydrogen embrittlement. Liquid stable, will not break down, no precipitation, easy to transport, three-year shelf life, with access to.
一、不锈钢钝化液 主要用途:

二、不锈钢钝化液 特性与优点:

欢迎来到东莞市凯盟表面处理技术开发有限公司网站,我公司位于素有“龙舟之乡、中国民间艺术之乡、举重之乡、粤剧之乡”之美誉,号为“世界工厂”的东莞市。 具体地址是广东东莞谢岗东莞市谢岗镇曹乐其乐新村,联系人是覃绍迷。



  • 覃绍迷(营销代表)







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