产品规格: | 1000 | 产品数量: | 10000.00 千克 |
包装说明: | 密封 | 价格说明: | 不限 |
查看人数: | 347 人 | 本页链接: | https://info.b2b168.com/s168-30430900.html |
盛产于甘肃苦水镇的玫瑰,历经200多年的栽培,形成了**遐迩的“苦水玫瑰”**,其特点是花繁汁多、清香**,苦水镇也因此享有“中国玫瑰**乡”的美誉。 Reputation abundant in the Gansu kushui town rose, after 200 years of cultivation, the formation of the famous "bitter Rose brand, which features a flower fan, juicy, pure fragrance, bitter town and therefore entitled to “China rose town". 【玫瑰花茶功效】[Tea roses effect] 降火气,可调理血气、促进血液循环、养颜美容,且有*疲劳、保护肝脏、胃肠的功能 Reducing anger, may be conditioning the blood gas, and promote blood circulation, beautify the skin, and eliminate fatigue, protect the liver, and gastrointestinal function 玫瑰花含丰富的维生素A、C、B、E、K,以及单宁酸,能改善内分泌失绸,对*疲劳和伤口瘀合也有帮助。调气血,调理女性生理问题,促进血液循环,美容,调经,利尿,缓和肠胃神经,防皱纹,防冻伤,养颜美容。身体疲劳酸痛时,取些来按摩也相当合适。