1763-L16DWD | 1769-BA | 1771-CD |
1763-MM1 | 1769-ECL | 1771-CE |
1763-NC01 | 1769-ECR | 1771-CFM |
1766-L32AWA | 1769-HSC | 1771-CFMK |
1766-L32AWAA | 1769-IA16 | 1771-HD |
In a collaborative move with the W3C Consortium, Siemens and Microsoft have announced their commitment to converge the Digital Twin Definition Lange (DTDL) with the Thing Description standard from international standards organization, W3C.
在与W3C联盟的合作中,西门子和微软宣布致力于将数字孪生定义语言 (DTDL)与标准组织W3C的事物描述标准相融合。
By unifying both langes, customers are offered consistent modeling experiences, mitigating fragmentation in an evolving IoT landscape. With customers typically deploying a mix of vendors in their infrastructure leading to lock-in and high integration efforts, this convergence will allow for simpler system integration and interoperability.