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Creating a Scatter Plot In this example, we plot the sepal length against the petal length for three Iris varieties. Opening the Fisher Dataset From the NCSS Data window, go to the File menu and select Open Example Data. Select Fisher and press OK. Setting up the Scatter Plot Procedure To open the Scatter Plot procedure, go to the Graphics menu, then select Scatter Plots, and then select Scatter Plots. Click the Reset button to reset the Scatter Plot procedure. Double-click in the Vertical Variable(s) box and select SepalLength. Press OK. Double-click in the Horizontal Variable(s) box and select PetalLength. Press OK. Double-click in the Grouping Symbol Variable box and select Iris. Press OK. Under Format Options, change Value Labels to Value Labels. Click the green Run button to run the procedure.
直观的数据管理 NCSS很容易导入所有主要类型的数据文件。您也可以复制粘贴您的数据,或者直接输入您的数据。NCSS有的过滤和转换功能来管理数据。 系统要求 These are the computer requirements in order to run NCSS Statistical Analysis Software: Processor: 450 MHz or faster processor 32-bit (x86) or 64-bit (x64) processor RAM: 256 MB (512 MB recommended) Operating Systems: Windows XP with Service Pack 2 or higher Windows Vista Windows 7 Windows 8 and 8.1 Windows 10 or later Windows Server 2003 Windows Server 2008 Windows Server 2008 R2 Windows Server 2012 Windows Server 2012 R2 or later Privileges: Administrative rights required during installation only Third Party Software: Microsoft .NET 3.5 SP1 (included with NCSS CD, comes pre-installed with Windows 7 and Windows Server 2008 R2,
Viewing T-Test Output The results are displayed in the NCSS Output window. This T-Test compares the mean percent of the two groups. Often, all you will need is the t-value and associated probability level. These are contained in the Equal-Variance T-Test Section. In this case the T-Value is 3.6496 and the probability level (p-value) is 0.00294. We reject the null hypothesis that means are equal. A quick glance at the means of the two groups shows that the mean percent for small animals is 1.03 and for large animals is 0.13. The Two-Sample T-Test chapter of the Help system goes into much more detail on how to perform a T-Test analysis.
escriptive Statistics Click here to see additional details about descriptive statistics in NCSS. Descriptive Statistics Descriptive Statistics - Summary Tables Descriptive Statistics - Summary Lists
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