产品规格: | 不限 | 产品数量: | 9999.00 套 |
包装说明: | 不限 | 价格说明: | 不限 |
查看人数: | 11 人 | 本页链接: | https://info.b2b168.com/s168-297765911.html |
公司编号: | 23139944 | 更新时间: | 2024-06-04 09:04:20 |
使用期限: | * | 许可形式: | 单机和网络版 |
原产地: | 美国 | 介质: | 下载 |
适用平台: | windows |
AquaChem Applications Analyze and report aqueous geochemistry of municipal groundwater supply wells Report analytical lab results of samples from contaminated sites Manage water quality data from sanitary landfills Identify mineralization trends for mining exploration Analyze, interpret and plot water quality data Identify and report water quality guideline exceedances Demonstrate regulatory compliance with chemical exceedance and trend analyses reports
R is a freely available scripting language and environment for statistical computing developed by the R Foundation and an active user community which provides a vast variety of statistical and graphical procedures.
对于更的模拟,您可以链接到Windows中PHREEQCI或PHREEQC的U***程序,并使用AquaChem样本作为这些建模工具的输入解决方案。 系统要求 Hardware Requirements Operating Systems Windows 10 Pro or Enterprise Windows 8.1 Pro or Enterprise Windows 7 Professional, Enterprise or Ultimate Processor 32-bit or 64-bit Hard Disk 250 MB RAM 2 GB Networking Hardware Network Card (required for soft key licensing) Additional Requirements Users running Windows 8.1 or 10 need to have full local admin rights on their machine and run the program in compatibility mode. We also recommend using English language and regional settings. Software Requirements Microsoft Access (32-bit) 2003, 2007 or 2010 installed. Microsoft Access 64-bit is currently not supported. Note:If you do not have MS Access (or have a later version) please install the free Access Runtime Engine.
Why Choose AquaChem? Simple and easy analysis of water quality data Effortless and flexible data importing and exporting Automatic geochemical calculations of water type, sum of anions, sum of cations, ion balance, TDS, hardness and more Water quality exceedance reports for multiple water quality standards Automatic ready-made reports
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