产品规格: | 不限 | 产品数量: | 9999.00 套 |
包装说明: | 不限 | 价格说明: | 不限 |
查看人数: | 9 人 | 本页链接: | https://info.b2b168.com/s168-297713004.html |
公司编号: | 23139944 | 更新时间: | 2024-06-03 09:05:56 |
使用期限: | * | 许可形式: | 单机 |
原产地: | 美国 | 介质: | 下载 |
适用平台: | windows |
PetraSim和仿真支持的应用包括 耦合过程建模(热、水、化工、机械、生物) 碳吸收和其他类型的注入 水合物分解与回收 核废物库的性能评估 地热储层研究 渗流区水文 挥发性**化合物的归宿和运移 实验室和现场实验设计和分析 3D建模 PetraSim全面支持3D建模。用户可以导入现有的3D层数据,并使用它来定义几何模型。用户可以将材质属性分配给层,并通过模型定义矿井。 Other Powerful Features Include: Complete interactive model creation and results display 3D model manipulation and visual feedback Organization of input in dialogs that help the user find the desired controls Integrated grid and cell editing, including the ability to add extra “non-grid” cells for use in boundary conditions Automatic generation of the simulator input file Integrated 3D iso-surface and contour plots Integrated time history plots and data comparison Integrated code executables for all supported versions Faster simulations with optimized TOUGH2 and T2VOC executables
The option to write a TOUGH3 INFILE has been added to the File menu. Numerous improvements have been made to how the Cancel and Apply buttons work. These are global changes that have been made throughout the program. Reminders have been added to the IRP and CRP windows for TMVOC and ECO2M TOUGH3 users. 3-phase curves can be included in the input file using the “custom” curve options.
PetraSim通过释放分析人员专注于模型,同时自动处理TOUGH2输入和输出文件的复杂细节,显著降低了使用TOUGH2的障碍。PetraSim包括TOUGH2(版本2)、T2VOC、TMVOC和TOUGHREACT(版本1.2)可执行文件。TOUGH版本2.1和TOUGHREACT v2.0通过LBL购买许可支持。PetraSim还包括对TOUGHREACT v3.32和TOUGH3的有限支持。
Once a natural state model is produced, create historical and predictive models by incorporating deviated production and injection wells that can be easily enabled and disabled.
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