产品数量:9999.00 套
Engineers working toward an optimized design must develop their software and physical system together. MathWorks physical modeling tools bring accuracy and efficiency to this effort by enabling you to:
Assemble system-level models that span multiple physical domains and include the control system in a single environment
Create reusable models of your physical system with physical ports, in addition to input and output signals
Model custom physical components (mechanical, electrical, and other physical domains) using a MATLAB based physical modeling language
Extend your analysis with 3D visualization and additional simulation methods
You can convert the models of your physical system to C code and deploy the code to other environments for tasks such as hardware-in-the-loop (HIL) testing. These models support all phases of Model-Based Design.
数百万和科学家信赖 MATLAB
MATLAB 将适合迭代分析和设计过程的桌面环境与直接表达矩阵和数组运算的编程语言相结合。
MATLAB 工具箱经过开发、严格测试并拥有完善的帮助文档。
MATLAB 应用程序让您看到不同的算法如何处理您的数据。在您获得所需结果之前反复迭代,然后自动生成 MATLAB 程序,以便对您的工作进行重现或自动处理。
只需更改少量代码就能扩展您的分析在群集、GPU 和云上运行。无需重写代码或学习大数据编程和内存溢出技术。
Deploy to Production Systems
MATLAB 代码可直接用于生产,因此您可以直接部署到云和企业系统,并与数据源和业务系统集成。
MATLAB® helps you obtain deeper scientific or clinical insights by giving you the ability to analyze ever increasing amounts of data. Scientists and engineers use MATLAB for experimental approaches such as microscopy and biomedical imaging, electrophysiology, and genomics and next generation sequencing, or for modeling and simulation such as pharmacology and systems biology.
MATLAB enables you to access datasets from a wide variety of sources including databases, custom file formats, and web services; apply leading-edge analysis methods to your signal, image, video, molecular, and other datasets; and automate your experimental or theoretical set-up with customized analysis. With MATLAB, you can:
MATLAB® and Simulink® enable automotive engineering organizations to accelerate vehicle development processes and to deliver vehicles that meet market requirements for safety, comfort, fuel economy, and performance.
Automotive engineers use MATLAB and Simulink to:
Run simulations to evaluate trade-offs and optimize designs
Develop and test perception, planning, and control algorithms
Validate requirements early through rapid prototyping
Generate code for prototyping or production, in floating or fixed-point, for MCUs, GPUs, SoCs and FPGA devices
Analyze test fleet and production vehicle data
Comply with AUTOSAR and ISO 26262 standards
Automated Driving and Advanced Driving Assistance Systems (ADAS)
Use MATLAB and Simulink to accelerate the development of automated driving functions including perception, planning, and control functions. Run simulations in Simulink to test, integrate, and tune these functions using programmatically generated scenes and maximize test coverage across various road, traffic, and environmental conditions without expensive prototype vehicles.