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Example on Time Delays and Code Placement As mentioned above, it is important to establish the proper use of DSDYN and DSOUT to avoid unnecessary time step delays. Meters used for the measurement of voltage and currents for example, are primarily defined in DSOUT: This is the logical subroutine to choose, as DSOUT will supply the measured quantities directly following the network solution. However, measured quantities are often used as inputs to control systems, where the individual control components are defined in DSDYN. Since there is a time step increment between DSOUT and DSDYN, the control system may be basing outputs on quantities defined in the previous time step.
PSCAD Maintenance Program Get the most from PSCAD and protect your investment Software maintenance is the most cost-effective way to protect, support, and maintain your investment. With it, you gain the greatest value from your software.
Benefits With our maintenance program, you will receive numerous benefits such as: World-class, priority support; New features, minor updates, and regular maintenance patches;
SCAD新主库模型(EMTDC): MMC模型库 相域同步电机 单相感应电动机 Z域(离散化)控件 单相5-12多绕组变压器 3/5-柱,对偶概念变压器 迟滞电抗器 TRV包络发电机 谐波信号发生器 Pick-Up和Drop-Out 定时器 Clark及反Clark 变换 变化检测器 死区控制器 刻度变换器 离散化 复共轭 电气相分接
General Master Library Model Enhancements Blackbox Upgrade New and Improved External Resource File Handling New Binary EMTDC Output File Format
Information in this document is subject to change without notice. No part of this document may be reproduced in any form or by any means, electronically or mechanically, for any purpose without the express written permission of Manitoba Hydro International Ltd. PSCAD™ is a registered trademark of Manitoba Hydro International Ltd.
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