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SOPT Library - includes GAMS optimization models based on the book Power System Optimization Modelling in GAMS by by Alireza Soroudi.
See Accessing Model Libraries on how to access a GAMS model from the model libraries.
Advanced Topics - This part discusses advanced topics and can be studied as needed. Users with large, complex, or
expensive models will find much useful material in this part.
c('Seattle','New-York') = 0.40;
is a valid GAMS assignment statement.
The same parameter can be assigned a value more than once. Each assignment statement takes effect immediately and
overrides any previous values. (In contrast, the same parameter may not be declared more than once. This is a GAMS error
check to keep you from accidentally using the same name for two different things.)
The right-hand side of an assignment statement can contain a great variety of mathematical expressions and built-in functions.
If you are familiar with a scientific programming language such as FORTRAN or C, you will have no trouble in becoming
14 A GAMS Tutorial by Richard E. Rosenthal
comfortable writing assignment statements in GAMS. (Notice, however, that GAMS has some efficiencies shared by neither
FORTRAN nor C. For example, we were able to assign c(i,j) values for all (i,j) pairs without constructing 'do loops'.)
The GAMS standard operations and supplied functions are given later. Here are some examples of valid assignments. In all
cases, assume the left-hand-side parameter has already been declared and the right-hand-side parameters have already been
assigned values in previous statements
NOA Library - includes GAMS nonlinear optimization applications models based on the book Nonlinear Optimization Applications Using the GAMS Technology by Neculai Andrei.