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作为世界的仿真软件 PSCAD™的创造者,在电力系统规划和业务研究方面,我们对使用各种软件工具有着丰富的经验,比如PSCAD, PSS/E, DSA Power Tools, ETAP, CYME, Risk_A等等。我们的服务提供给公用事业,顾问,工业客户,设备制造商和行业等各方面。并与研究学术机构,,运营商以及机构有着密切的合作。我们在MHRC方面有着特的优势,并且对仿真研究的理解也是其他工程服务商无法提供的。
. 负载流、短路和动态研究
. 系统规划研究
. 运筹规划研究(短期规划)
. 转让限制
. 系统影响研究(HVDC,风能,太阳能)
. 基于FACTs的解决方案
. 次同步谐振(SSR)
. 电磁暂态研究
. 绝缘配合研究(雷电、开关SOV,TOV)
. 断路器TRV
. GIS站的快速瞬变
. 费罗共振,网共振和变压器励磁涌流
. 电容器组的设计
. 电动机启动
. 详细故障与保护系统分析
. 系统恢复(黑启动)研究
. 电能质量谐波、闪变
. 传输线场效应和电晕分析
. 发展自定义模型
The first lines of code were written in 1975, at Manitoba Hydro by Dennis Woodford (Technical Director of the Centre 1986 - 2001), out of a need for a simulation tool that was sufficiently powerful and flexible to study the Nelson River HVDC power system in Manitoba, Canada.
Following the success of this study, development of the program continued through the next two decades. Over this time, a full spectrum of professionally developed models was eventually accumulated (as needed for various simulation projects) - in addition to various enhancements to the actual solution engine itself.
For over 35 years, we have been committed to providing the exceptional level of technical support that you are accustomed to. Our PSCAD Technical Support Team is composed of over 20 dedicated engineers who are ready to assist you.
When digital programs were first developed for power system analysis, the computers available were the old mainframe type used by the company for their accounts and billing. A team of specialists, whose function was to oversee all transactions involving the system, also serviced the system. The technical user was but a slave to the whims of these specialists, whose power lay in their ability to speak the system language: The interpretation of a mysterious jumble of words known only as 'JCL' was a jealously guarded secret. Consequently, the 'end user' (or more humiliatingly the 'client') was kept in hand and normally suffered through the computer programs so condescendingly provided.
These computer programs were supposedly structured to anticipate, as the programmers hoped, the every need of the technical user. Model construction and variation was accomplished by data entry. Unfortunately, it was impossible to anticipate all needs. Developments in power system technologies out-sped advancements in the computer programs. Because of these limitations in program flexibility, the programs always lagged in representation of the emerging power system. The creative potential of the technical specialist could not be fully realized with such program modeling restrictions.