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DSDYN and DSOUT Subroutines
The DSDYN and DSOUT subroutines provide accessibility for control and monitoring of system variables on either side of the electric network. This offers a great advantage in programming flexibility, as it enables both the control of input variables and the monitoring of output variables, all within the same time step. This is an important concept, especially in the design of control systems involving feedback: Judicial selection of code placement can help avoid time delays that are uncharacteristic to the real system being modeled.
When it pertains to source code insertion into the system dynamics, there is no difference between DSDYN and DSOUT, besides their sequence in the solution process. However, there are specific uses for each, and certain code may be more optimally utilized when it is placed in one, rather than the other. For example, DSOUT is primarily used to define output variables directly following the electric network solution. Of course, DSDYN could be used for this purpose as well, but the same output variables would be delayed, due to the time step increment between DSOUT and DSDYN (see Figure 2-1). Likewise, variables controlling electric devices (i.e. network input variables) are best defined in DSDYN, as then updates will occur in the same time step before the network solution.
As power systems evolve, the need for accurate, intuitive simulation tools becomes more and more important. With PSCAD you can build, simulate, and model your systems with ease, providing limitless possibilities in power system simulation. Included is a comprehensive library of system models ranging from simple passive elements and control functions to electric machines and other complex devices.
PSCAD Maintenance Program
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Convert PSS/E and PowerFactory data files to PSCAD V5.0 and V4.6
Import detailed dynamic data
Import sequence data
Import location data for automatic schematic expansion
Form network equivalents for unexpanded segments of the network