
  • 2024-06-06 11:41 330
  • 产品价格:82000.00 元/台
  • 发货地址:广东广州南沙区 包装说明:不限
  • 产品数量:5.00 台产品规格:不限
  • 信息编号:286044021公司编号:23119297
  • 庞舒维 微信 15820251513
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XGP-W series horizontal industrial washing machine is a new generation of washing machines for washing all kinds of cotton, wool, hemp, chemical fiber blended fabrics such as clothing, for mining, schools, hotels, hostels, hospitals and so has a wide range of uses , is to reduce labor intensity and improve work efficiency, reduce energy consumption ideal equipment.
The computers use the roller forward, stop, reverse, stop periodically reversing the fabric in the detergent and tumbling drum role played friction between the fabric and the fabric, fell throw in the drum, beat, under thump role, to remove dirt purposes.
Using a large-caliber fast into the drainage system, greatly reducing the wash cycle, the equipment to play a greater efficiency and cost savings; using copper sleeve seal, no leakage, the new oil asbestos packing shaft seal may never need to ensure replace the seal of the original while demolition spindle.

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