The other unique feature of this tool is the automatic avoidance of the secondary structures that can prevent the SYBR® Green primer extension. The template forms a loop in the region of the secondary structures and this loop prevents the PCR product formation.
You can now design molecular beacons for NASBA® assays for single template or multiplex reactions.
Beacon Designer™ supports the design of Scorpions® primers and probes.
"I designed SYBR Green primers for 5 different genes using Beacon Designer. They all worked well and I am extremely pleased with the results." -Dr. Yulia Koryakina, University of Virginia, US.
"Using Beacon Designer, we designed qPCR primers which performed extremely well in our experiments. I found the program both powerful and user-friendly." -Mr. José Nuno Leitao, Institute for Molecular and Cell Biology, IBMC, Portugal.