When we contact a company, we want our experience to be fun, positive, and to get our questions answered quickly — that's what we will do for you!
Customizing the Ribbon
The ribbon is customizable in Grapher. To customize the commands in the
ribbon, right-click the ribbon and select Customize the Ribbon. In the
dialog, you can add new tabs, add groups, add commands to custom
group, hide existing tabs or groups, and rearrange the tabs into an order
that better fits your needs.
Customizing the Keyboard Shortcuts
Keyboard shortcuts can be changed by right-clicking on the ribbon and
selecting Customize the Ribbon.
Collaborate with Confidence
Quickly share your charts with colleagues, stakeholders, and clients. Get your graphs ready for printed publications by exporting to high quality formats like PDF or TIFF, or share your work online by exporting to PNG or SVG formats. Alternatively, Grapher makes it easy to insert diagrams into presentation tools such as Microsoft Word or PowerPoint with a simple copy and paste.