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Grapher provides over 80 different 2D and 3D graphing options to suit multiple industries, from geology and hydrology to environmental work and construction.
Other database formats can be imported into Grapher’s worksheet. Click
the File | Open command. In the Open dialog, click the Database button.
Step through the dialogs to import the file and the database is converted
into a worksheet format. These files cannot be saved in their native
format, but you can save the files in any of the available worksheet
formats by clicking the File | Save As command.
Grid Files
Grid files are used to produce grid-based contour and surface maps in
Grapher. Grid files contain a regularly spaced rectangular array of Z
values organized in columns and rows. Grid files can be imported from a
wide variety of sources. For example, the contour grid map.GPJ sample file
uses a Surfer .GRD file to create an XY contour grid map.
Grapher can be called from any automation-compatible programming languages such as C++, Python, or Perl. Grapher also ships with Scripter, a built-in Visual Basic compatible scripting tool. Better yet, use the recorder to transform actions performed in Grapher into a .
Grapher User Interface
Grapher contains four document window types: the plot window,
worksheet window, grid window, and Excel worksheet window. Graphs and
maps are displayed and edited in the plot window. Tabular data files are
displayed, edited, transformed, and saved in the worksheet window. A
native Excel workbook can be opened in the Excel window. Grid files can
be viewed in the grid window. The Grapher user interface consists of the
quick access toolbar, ribbon tabs and commands, tabbed documents,
managers, and a status bar.