Communicate Results
Grapher’s extensive selection of graph types and innumerable customization options allow you to communicate your complex ideas in a format that your audience will easily understand. Let your data do the talking with Grapher.
Represent Data at Its Best
Control every aspect of your plot down to the smallest detail. Grapher’s extensive customization options allow you to convey complex ideas in an easy-to-understand manner. Grapher displays your data at its very best.
Work Smart, Not Hard with Automation
Don’t waste time doing the same process over and over. Create scripts to automate repetitive tasks, and run your favorite scripts directly from the Grapher ribbon. Grapher can be called from any automation-compatible programming languages such as C++, Python, or Perl. Grapher also ships with Scripter, a built-in Visual Basic compatible scripting tool. Better yet, use the recorder to transform actions performed in Grapher into a .
Customizing the Ribbon
The ribbon is customizable in Grapher. To customize the commands in the
ribbon, right-click the ribbon and select Customize the Ribbon. In the
dialog, you can add new tabs, add groups, add commands to custom
group, hide existing tabs or groups, and rearrange the tabs into an order
that better fits your needs.
Customizing the Keyboard Shortcuts
Keyboard shortcuts can be changed by right-clicking on the ribbon and
selecting Customize the Ribbon.