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Display logs as deviated or vertical
Project Files lists all of the files in the selected project directory. After clicking Project Files the first time, a Select Folder dialog appears. Select the directory on the computer that should be used as the Project Files directory and click Select Folder. All of the files from the selected directory are listed. Click on any file in the list and click the Open button to open the selected file. Click the Set Project Folder button to change the directory, or change the Default path directory in the Options dialog General page.
Analyze Data
Get answers to all your subsurface questions. When displayed in Strater, subterranean data becomes clear and easy to understand. Strater’s extensive features allow you to quickly view and analyze areas otherwise unseen and make decisions with confidence.
New Table opens the Create a New Table dialog. Once the new table has been defined, Strater is launched with the new table in addition to the starting borehole view.