SigmaPlot提供了灵活的定制您的图形的每一个细节的选项。您可以添加轴中断(breaks),标准或不对称的误差线(error bars)和符号,更改颜色,字体,线条的粗细等等。
Share the data behind your web-based graphs with colleagues and students
Enable colleagues to print your full report from your intranetor Web site directly from their browsers – without compromising the quality of the graphs
Create an optional password while exporting your graph to limit data access to authorized users
Produce Web documents without knowing HTML, or embed SigmaPlot Web object graphs in existing HTML files to create interactive electronic reports
Graphing software that makes data visualization easy
Graph creation starts with SigmaPlot’s award-winning interface. Take advantage of ribbon collections of common properties, tabbed selection of graphs, worksheets and reports, right mouse button support and graph preferences. Select the graph type you want to create from the Graph Toolbar’s easy-to-read icons. The interactive Graph Wizard leads you through every step of graph creation. You get compelling, publication-quality charts and graphs in no time. SigmaPlot offers more options for charting, modeling and graphing your technical data than any other graphics software package.