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If the recipients are not RFFlow users, they can download the free viewer version of RFFlow. It allows one to view and print any RFFlow chart.
Select the shapes, click the Align button Align Button, and choose an alignment style. The shapes will be aligned to the top or leftmost shape.Find, ReplaceClick the Find button Find Button.Custom ShapesYou can draw your own shapes by combining any of the shapes and lines in RFFlow. Select these objects, right-click on one of them, and choose Add To Stencil. Another way to draw custom shapes is to use RFShape, a program that comes with RFFlow. Click Tools, Run RFShape.
RFFlow includes over 1600 shapes that are carefully organized into stencils designed for specific tasks. The stencils are arranged in an expandable list that allows you to quickly find the stencil or shape you want. Each shape has a ToolTip displaying its name or description. When you purchase an RFFlow License, you get all the shapes.
Stencils and Shapes Dialog Box
RFFlow is a graphics program that lets you easily draw
flowcharts, organization charts, and many other kinds of
diagrams. Quickly create professional-looking charts for
documents, presentations, or the Web. See samples charts
and get more information