对一个或两个因素进行重复测量的数据进行双向方差分析。 Tukey、Newman-Keuls、Dunnett、Bonferroni、Holm-Sidak 或 Fisher LSD 多重比较检验主要和简单效应。
现在,Prism 将自动拟合混合效果模型以完成此分析
Automate Your Work Without Programming
Automatically add multiple pairwise comparisons to your analysis with a single click. For customization options of these lines and asterisks, simply click the toolbar button again. Make adjustments to the data or the analysis, and the results displayed on the graph will update automatically.
Principal Component Analysis
Calculate and select the principal components that describe the greatest amount of variance in your data. Choose from selection techniques including Parallel Analysis via Monte Carlo simulation, Eigenvalue threshold, Proportion of Variance threshold, and more