ChromasPro DNA序列分析软件
Compatible with Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8, 10.
Your free trial lasts for 14 days. Please see the purchase page for licensing.
Upgrade from earlier versions is free for licensed users.
Please note: ChromasPro 2 will install separately from versions older than 1.9.9. It is recommended that you uninstall any old version present. See the version history for changes to recent versions.
Added 32-bit version to installer.
Added an option to show statistical information for a contig.
Pressing the up arrow in row one of the alignment moves the cursor to the consensus.
Shift+mousewheel scrolls the alignment or aligned chromatograms.
Fixed bug which prevented consensus recalculation after removing an aligned sequence at the 5′ end.
Fixed bug which could leave unnecessary gaps if more than 1 base was deleted from an aligned sequence at once.
Fixed rare error when undoing a large consensus deletion at the 5′ end spanning the entire first aligned sequence.
Fixed the scroll range sometimes initially being a few bases short.
Version 2.1.1 is a minor update with these changes:
打开Applied Biosystems .ab1, Staden Chromatogram (SCF and ZTR), 454 SFF, FASTA, FASTQ, EMBL, GenBank, SwissProt, GenPept, GCG RSF和纯文本格式中的序列。
以.ab1, .scf, .fasta 和.fastq格式保存序列。