CrystalMaker X lets you combine any number of 3D datasets with the current structure, each with its own visual settings. You can visualize data imported from text files, or generated within the program in electron density or porosity calculations
change their model types, view directions and model settings. You can also use the Playback Controls to "scrub" through an animation sequence: it's an ideal way to rapidly browse a simulation trajectory. Finally, you can export your animation as a movie - for use on the web or in a presentation
CrystalMaker's selection tools let you move, detach, duplicate, hide, delete groups of atoms. Hide or repair molecular fragments - isolate individual molecules.
You can also project the unit cell onto a chosen lattice plane, to create a "surface cell". Unlike traditional software, CrystalMaker features an elegant, easy-to-use interface, with common choices available as presets. Crystallography without the pain!