产品规格: | 不限 | 产品数量: | 9999.00 个 |
包装说明: | 不限 | 价格说明: | 不限 |
查看人数: | 27 人 | 本页链接: | https://info.b2b168.com/s168-263602219.html |
公司编号: | 14308020 | 更新时间: | 2024-03-13 21:31:23 |
上海涂料展: | 150000平方 | 时间: | 2023年8月10-12日 |
地点: | 上海新国际博览中心 | 参观人数: | 100000人次 |
论坛: | 50场 | 光地: | 1380/平方 |
标展: | 13800/个 |
2023*三十四届中国(上海)国际绿色建筑涂料展览会,再次迎来整合生长的新机遇,同期举办“2023国际绿色建筑建材(上海)博览会”,将进一步加强“融合,发展,整合现有资源,重新设定打造“创新安全、美丽生态,全面提供绿色建筑整体解决方案”的办展理念,推出板块互通融合,分别是:建筑节能及新型建材、建筑内外墙装饰 、建筑涂料、绿色房屋系统、装饰建材、别墅配套、墙面墙材。本次展会将设馆,15万平方米展示面积,1200家展商参与,预计观众数量将**过15**次。有来自美国、日本、澳大利亚、欧洲、非洲等地的国际组织定向邀约的国际客商组团赴展,打造绿色建材产业国际化、化、创新发展和创新的盛会。
2023Green Building Materials Forum Series Activities:
1. Fabricated Wall Development Forum
2. Forum on the Integration and Development of Assembled Architecture and New Rural Construction
3. Development Forum on Collaborative Management of Assembled Construction Supply Chain
4. Docking between assembly parts and system integrator products
5. Purchasing docking meeting between real estate dealers and suppliers
Before, green Building Paint Exhibition has developed into the most professional exhibition in the field of Architectural paint in China, "providing comprehensive solutions for architectural paint". From July 13th to July 15th, the exhibition will be held in Shanghai New International Expo Center. Business people exhibition area of 150000 square meters, dozens of BBS and the theme of the workshops, focused industry in various fields at home and abroad the best and most influential enterprises,