产品规格: | 不限 | 产品数量: | 不限 |
包装说明: | 不限 | 价格说明: | 不限 |
查看人数: | 89 人 | 本页链接: | https://info.b2b168.com/s168-257959534.html |
产品别名: | 纺织后整理功能助剂 | 品牌: | HOLPOSON |
库存数量: | 1000KG |
甲壳素抗菌整理剂TexTrit®Chitin 又称为壳聚糖抗菌整理剂,运用萃取技术,经科学精心开发研制的纺织品用后整理剂。它能提高织物的抗菌卫生保湿性能,快速吸附人体表面的阴性细菌,扰乱细胞正常的生理活动,从而杀灭细菌。此功能主要适用于内衣面料、衬衫面料、床上用品面料、登山服、高尔夫服装、休闲系列服装面料、各种服饰面料、家用纺织品面料等。
成 分 甲壳素,壳聚糖等
外 观 半透明分散液体
离 子 性 阳离子
溶 解 度 分散于水
P H 值 4±0.5
甲壳素抗菌整理剂TexTrit®Chitin 40-70g/L
处理方法:一浸一轧,轧液率 70%(建议与吸排或柔软剂同浴使用) 120℃×3~5 分 焙烘:150℃×1~2 分钟。
1. 对织物的手感、颜色会有轻微影响,故务必先做小样确认。
2. 配制好的工作液请于当日内使用。
贮 存
Chitin anti-bacterial finishing agent
Chitin antibacterial finishing agent TexTrit® Chitin, also known as chitosan antibacterial finishing agent, is a finishing agent for textiles that has been developed scientifically and carefully using extraction technology. It can improve the antibacterial, hygienic and moisturizing properties of the fabric, quickly adsorb negative bacteria on the surface of the human body, disrupt the normal physiological activities of cells, and thereby kill bacteria. This function is mainly suitable for underwear fabrics, shirt fabrics, bedding fabrics, mountaineering clothing, golf clothing, leisure series clothing fabrics, various clothing fabrics, home textile fabrics, etc.
Physical & chemical properties:
Content: Chitin, chitosan, etc.
Appearance: Translucent dispersed liquid
Ionic: cation
Solubility: Disperse in water
PH: 4±0.5
Padding method:
Chitin anti-bacterial finishing agent TexTrit®Chitin 40-70g/L
Treatment method: one dipping and one rolling, the rolling rate is 70% (it is recommended to use the same bath with suction or softener)
120℃×3~5 minutes
Baking: 150℃×1~2 minutes.
1. It will have a slight impact on the hand feel and color of the fabric, so be sure to make a sample to confirm it first.
2. Please use the prepared working fluid within the same day.
1. High safety, safe and non-toxic to the human body, no pollution to the environment;
2. Improve the antibacterial properties of the fabric, the fabric is hygienic and clean, and it is not easy to breed bacteria;
3. At the same time, it has a certain degree of moisturizing effect;
4. The finished textile has suitable sanitary odor and excellent washing resistance.
Store in a cool, dry and ventilated place. The shelf life of this product is at least 1 year. After opening use up as soon as possible. If it is not used up, please close it tightly to prevent the product from getting damp or mixing with foreign objects.