ArcGIS geodatabases and shapefiles
CAD files including .dwg, .dgn, and .dxf formats
Worldwide projection support including Cartesian and Geographic Systems
File Import wizard for delimited text files and spreadsheets
Interact with models in true 3D
Optimized OpenGL graphics for improved hardware rendering
Create photo-realistic renderings
Generate animations for PowerPoint or web presentations
Drape images over the model and control the opacity
Annotations – Add north arrows, scale bars, reference images, company logos, and more
右键单击散射集或光栅,选择Interpolate To和MODFLOW图层。这会打开Interpolate to MODFLOW Layers对话框。在对话框的左侧,选择要插入的数据集,在右侧选择要插入的图层。选中数据集和所需的图层后,单击Map。这会把所选内容添加到Dataset=>MODFLOW数据队列中。如果要更改插值方法,请选择Interpolation Options。单击OK退出对话框,并将散点集插入到图层中。
Improved Wizard Font
改进了Text Import Wizard的字体外观
Improved Legend